Author Topic: 8chan Federalizes, Becomes Immortal  (Read 12563 times)

 Good job pushing all those evildoers onto the unregulated internet, that really solved the problem
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 10:07:48 AM by Deus Ex »

do these people not know how the net works? if you're just gonna boot people off the surface web, they'll just go to the unregulated web and there is forget all they can do about it lol

libertarians rejoice

people can now post child research without the forgetin gubmerment trying to intervene with RULES and REGULATION

libertarians rejoice

people can now post child research without the forgetin gubmerment trying to intervene with RULES and REGULATION

Yeah, 8chan is solely reserved for child research! Haha man what a take, so smort

wasn't it rather obvious from the beginning that 8chan being taken off cloudflare wouldn't stop them from keeping the website online? forget, if you read cloudflare's blog post they address this:
Unfortunately, we have seen this situation before and so we have a good sense of what will play out. Almost exactly two years ago we made the determination to kick another disgusting site off Cloudflare's network: the Daily Stormer. That caused a brief interruption in the site's operations but they quickly came back online using a Cloudflare competitor. That competitor at the time promoted as a feature the fact that they didn't respond to legal process. Today, the Daily Stormer is still available and still disgusting. They have bragged that they have more readers than ever. They are no longer Cloudflare's problem, but they remain the Internet's problem.
I have little doubt we'll see the same happen with 8chan. While removing 8chan from our network takes heat off of us, it does nothing to address why hateful sites fester online. It does nothing to address why mass shootings occur. It does nothing to address why portions of the population feel so disenchanted they turn to hate. In taking this action we've solved our own problem, but we haven't solved the Internet's.

Lmao Cloudflare's creators are handicapped, who would've thought

Yeah, 8chan is solely reserved for child research! Haha man what a take, so smort
I'm predicting what it will inevitably become lol

trust me, I've tried hosting an unregulated forum, uncensored forum, it always turns into a legal liability because the worst kind of people post the worst kind of things.

It's interesting that it's decentralized this time, lets see how this goes, it might be worse.

is cloudflare blaming 8chan for shootings

also, I forgot to add:

don't pretend like 8chan is some place for immense intellectual discussion on the level of the library of alexandria, it's an image board, 80% of it is questionably legal research and depressed incels, 10% of it is stuffty memes, 5% of it is literally spam bots and the last 5% is shooter manifestos and /pol/

it's useful to useless content ratio is worse than 4chan

do you ever stop to think that maybe the points you're trying to make aren't worth making