[BREAKING NEWS] Multiple Injuries reported after school shooting in California

Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Multiple Injuries reported after school shooting in California  (Read 7066 times)


The bottom line is if you have a loaded gun in your house and it isn't either within arm's reach or locked up, it's a liability and you're an incompetent gun owner. It's not about rights or dead kids. You can actually still take a selfish stance on this and it will make sense.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 07:41:22 AM by Robot »

He brought a handgun into the school

He brought a handgun into the gun-free zone school

No, his mental health was the problem.  Not to mention that this kid was probably being bullied most of his life and no one gave a forget about him until he shot the school up.  Funny how no one gives a forget about bullying "I'm not a snitch" "it's not my problem" then stuff like this happens and then they are all like "How the forget does this happen to me".

Also, before more EU friends come in and start dishing on guns in America.  At least we aren't getting acid thrown onto us or getting stabbed with butter knives.

You know what's funny? Police were on the scene within 2 minutes of the shooting beginning. Police officers were literally dropping their kids off at that very school and it still didn't stop it from occurring. My question still stands, in what loving world would less regulation have prevented this? Blatantly incompetent firearm ownership is to blame here, to start. Why can't we have some DMV-esque training requirements just like the 2-3 ton machines we hurdle through the streets on a daily basis?

No, his mental health was the problem.  Not to mention that this kid was probably being bullied most of his life and no one gave a forget about him until he shot the school up.  Funny how no one gives a forget about bullying "I'm not a snitch" "it's not my problem" then stuff like this happens and then they are all like "How the forget does this happen to me".

The dude was on the track team and was considered, by many of his friends, to be an utterly normal and functioning teenager (so it seemed), just like everyone else.

ITT: We make fun on how stuffty my state's gotten :^)

My question still stands, in what loving world would less regulation have prevented this?

Just Cali things

Typical passive aggressive non-answer, great.

He brought a handgun into the school

He brought a handgun into the gun-free zone school

No, his mental health was the problem.  Not to mention that this kid was probably being bullied most of his life and no one gave a forget about him until he shot the school up.  Funny how no one gives a forget about bullying "I'm not a snitch" "it's not my problem" then stuff like this happens and then they are all like "How the forget does this happen to me".

Also, before more EU friends come in and start dishing on guns in America.  At least we aren't getting acid thrown onto us or getting stabbed with butter knives.
im pretty sure arguments about gun control will always be futile because of handicaps like you straw-manning the forget out of every position and the fact that no one knows what loving laws are actually in place and no one cares to argue in good faith and just post memes

it seems to be the sad reality of the topic at this point

Typical passive aggressive non-answer, great.

What restrictions would you impose? The kid used a .45 that was technically equivalent to a gun made 40 years ago, and seeing as its Cali, his mag was limited to 10 rounds. Should we limit mag sizes to 5 rounds? Or ban mags all together; you now have to chamber your pistols and rifles? Maybe ban all centerfire cartridges?

Or would you impose a law that was being discussed; "You have to lock up your firearm"? Who will inforce that law? Are officers going to come into your home to make sure your gun is locked? Give you a mandatory gun check every few weeks?

Its not a gun issue dude. Find something else to blame

most adults in america that own guns have a greater mental capacity than a child
by whose measure?

by whose measure?
The measure of them being able to apply and get a gun, use it responsibly without it getting taken away and having a job to provide the money to get it?

The measure of them being able to apply and get a gun, use it responsibly without it getting taken away and having a job to provide the money to get it?
none of this has anything to do with intelligence

Or would you impose a law that was being discussed; "You have to lock up your firearm"? Who will inforce that law? Are officers going to come into your home to make sure your gun is locked? Give you a mandatory gun check every few weeks?

It will be enforced the same way every other gun law is enforced lol. The law will be passed, responsible gun owners won't have to do anything, some irresponsible gun owners will hear about the new law and become responsible gun owners and save lives in the process, and morons will rightfully go to jail for death resulting of irresponsible storage of their firearm, encouraging more people to become responsible gun owners.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 04:52:58 PM by Robot »

Or would you impose a law that was being discussed; "You have to lock up your firearm"? Who will inforce that law? Are officers going to come into your home to make sure your gun is locked? Give you a mandatory gun check every few weeks?

Its not a gun issue dude. Find something else to blame
on top of robots post explaining why the regulation would be good, here are a couple brown townogous laws that are less about enforcement and more about "if we catch you, you face some serious punishment/fines":
-car insurance, driving without a license
-purchasing alcohol for minors

its not like the cops stop every car or stalk adults who buy alcohol to see if they break the law. its about setting a potential punishment so people follow the law to avoid the chance of being caught not following it.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 04:59:12 PM by Conan »

You know what's funny? Police were on the scene within 2 minutes of the shooting beginning. Police officers were literally dropping their kids off at that very school and it still didn't stop it from occurring. My question still stands, in what loving world would less regulation have prevented this? Blatantly incompetent firearm ownership is to blame here, to start. Why can't we have some DMV-esque training requirements just like the 2-3 ton machines we hurdle through the streets on a daily basis?

The dude was on the track team and was considered, by many of his friends, to be an utterly normal and functioning teenager (so it seemed), just like everyone else.

So what legislation would've prevented this? Trigger guards that only activate when you're aiming at a criminal or something? The forget are you even talking about?

legislation that makes it harder for kids to get guns in the first place (aka, require guns to be locked/punish people who let minors have access to guns without the minor having a license). dont pretend it’s inevitable some kids are gonna shoot up schools. kids aren’t naturally murderers nor naturally have access to guns.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 06:55:30 PM by Conan »