Author Topic: why is blockland not on sale?  (Read 4659 times)

What time and day were either of those screenshots taken?
look in the bottom right corner

that screenshot is not recent i havent had my tree hunt up for a long time

Ya'll are clownin dude. Just a year ago we had a peak of 200 for new years and our average players are about 20 anyway when it's not a major holiday most people in the western world celebrate.

nice stuffty screenshot dipstuff, stop lying to people
here's what the actual game population looks like

you're also a clown. there are 43 players in servers which aren't passworded on a christmas holiday

20 players 34 servers.

Can't even host giant minigame servers anymore because not enough people available to participate.

And say that one city RPG server has managed to get 16 players to participate. Well then there is only 4 people left over to play on random servers with.

20 is pretty damn loving low for sandboxes.

Many times I've tried to host a server or join a casual deathmatch server.

Only for 95% of the player base (15 people) to be on a stuffty knife tdm server or city rpg server or whatever.

Not enough people to equally populate 50% of the servers.

No sandbox game can compete with gary's world which gets like 34,000 people daily. That's fine, no one is expecting blockland to get 34,000 a day.

But let's compare a smaller sandbox game to blockland.

I'd rather play with a 400 peak player base than 66 peak player base

Also this player base is not an accurate number for lego worlds because lego worlds is also on PS4, XBOX ONE and Nintendo Switch. While blockland is only on PC

« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 08:28:38 AM by King Tøny »

Blockland isn't "dead" but you can't sit here and argue like 20 players on average is healthy for a sandbox game lol.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 08:47:31 AM by King Tøny »

a game as good as blockland for 10 dollars is a bargain. When I purchased the game it cost 25 bucks, so to me, 10 dollars IS on sale.

a game as good as blockland for 10 dollars is a bargain. When I purchased the game it cost 25 bucks, so to me, 10 dollars IS on sale.

If you like singleplayer sure, not gonna get much of a multiplayer experience with 20 people daily.

I only paid 20 dollars for blockland definitely got my money's worth out of it.

But as of right now I can see why potential new buyers wouldn't pay 10 dollars because they probably won't get their money's worth. Blockland is no longer in its prime

what does 10 dollars get you?

A server that may have 2 people on it?

what does 10 dollars get you?

A server that may have 2 people on it?

Your missing the offline and replay value of the game. There are plenty of games that cost well over 10 dollars that are offline only, and people still play them even though they don't have anywhere near the amount of customizability as a game such as Blockland. You could always get a group of real life friends together and host a LAN party if your not happy with the online server selection

At the time of this message, there are 88 people online and 44 servers - Maybe you should hop on and play
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 06:15:49 PM by Goth77 »

Offline is loving boring.

The last time I played blockland in offline mode was 2007 demo mode.

There are plenty of games that cost well over 10 dollars that are offline only

Those games have actual content that don't require mods to be fun.

Blockland needs a stuffload of mods just to be fun and the average steam user only knows how to work with workshop.

I know 3 people that stopped playing blockland because of autistic building controls and no base game content.