Author Topic: [Question] Been wanting to get the Nintendo Switch  (Read 2331 times)

Speaking of the Nintendo Switch, I've heard that Super Mario would like you to buy his game.

I saw a funny picture online of someone creating an EBay auction for what he called, "Limited edition Mario milk." There actually is no such thing as Mario milk. It was milk that expired on Mar 10, but the font made it look like the word MARIO. MARIO. MAR10. Here are the two words next to each other for comparison. He was unfortunately misled, but it created some quality entertainment. For a short time, at least.

I saw a funny picture online of someone creating an EBay auction for what he called, "Limited edition Mario milk." There actually is no such thing as Mario milk. It was milk that expired on Mar 10, but the font made it look like the word MARIO. MARIO. MAR10. Here are the two words next to each other for comparison. He was unfortunately misled, but it created some quality entertainment. For a short time, at least.
I think Nintendo is trying to trick you.


On another note. Splatoon 2 is like my favorite game for the switch right now.
please say sike

please say sike
I'm pretty sure Splatoon 2 is rated fairly highly.

why yall posting stuff like this? don't make any sense

why yall posting stuff like this? don't make any sense
I am also confused.

On another note. Splatoon 2 is like my favorite game for the switch right now.
I'd get a switch for this alone, and I dig mario kart and other titles as well.

But yeah like someone else said, Nintendo kinda sucks. Their prices don't go down at all with age... the switch is still 300 bucks despite being a few years old now, and many titles are still 60 bucks, but at least the online subscription is only 20 bucks a year

Should of concluded it was a stuffty server as soon as you were kicked for using the chat. Another great tell is when you see all caps ban reasons and people named things like 'brother operator' as super admin.
Also how is that picture of the baby relevant to this thread?

nintendo "anti-consumer" enterprises

nintendo "anti-consumer" enterprises
Well it's very anti-consumer of you to be eyeing information on people's profiles. I'm not sure Nintendo would do that.