Author Topic: 2020/05/03 - Blockland r2005-r2012  (Read 76833 times)

if i already have the steam version, should i just delete the version i have on steam so when key conversion is back i can have my original key on my steam account?

If some minor things are being worked on in addition to the security updates, would it be possible for some pretty useful add ons to be made default?

One little tiny thing I'd like to see would be that the Tutorial button made its way back to the main menu screen as apposed to being at the bottom of the game mode list. Not that I don't like group teaching new players how to play the game, it just sometimes gets old.

i'm actually really impressed at how fast all the fixes are happening
having to deal with security things on my end of programming has always spooked me

Quote from: Badspot
Fix for unintended change in stricmp behavior


  • Administrator
Progress report:


- Game client auth
- Name/blid selection gui
- Client auth back end

To do:

- Game server auth
- Test server auth back end
- Rewrite steamRedeem page

does any of this affect the ability for developers to query the auth system outside the game, as some of us already do with authQuery.php ?

The new system will no longer use IP addresses, it will just handle registration of BLIDs and names to SteamIDs.  So if you're using it to authenticate people, you will probably want to move to using Steam's openID. 

Is there an update available for the Mac version too? Whenever I launch BlocklandLauncher it doesn't download any files and doesn't update. It still says version r2001 and I was actually able to play on a server without any issue.

Blockland now requires Steam.  Steam does not run on whatever version of OSX I have on my mac mini.  The latest OSX does not run on my mac mini.  Apple has deprecated openGL, which Blockland relies on.  At some point in the future they will yank openGL support entirely.  They're constantly changing their stupid platform api.  It's just not worth it. 

Blockland now requires Steam.  Steam does not run on whatever version of OSX I have on my mac mini.  The latest OSX does not run on my mac mini.  Apple has deprecated openGL, which Blockland relies on.  At some point in the future they will yank openGL support entirely.  They're constantly changing their stupid platform api.  It's just not worth it. 
It's almost like Apple wants to lock out independent software developers completely.

The new system will no longer use IP addresses, it will just handle registration of BLIDs and names to SteamIDs.  So if you're using it to authenticate people, you will probably want to move to using Steam's openID. 
Can we get a basic API for checking if a steamID matches a certain BL_ID? As it stands there wouldn't be any way to identify an individual's BL_ID when signing into a site that wants blockland authentication.

able to play via steam again. rlly missing env zones and my ui edits
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 02:57:39 AM by Goth77 »

This isn't a crazy bug but you can soft lock yourself out of eventing and it's easily repeatable.

If you set the Target to <NAMED BRICK> and then instead of choosing a named brick, set it back to Self, you can no longer choose an output event.


-snippity snappity-

brain bigger than the andromeda galaxy

So redeeming a steam copy from an original key is still indefinitely disabled?