willymcmilly remembrance thread

Author Topic: willymcmilly remembrance thread  (Read 2662 times)

today will all pay tribute to our favorite unironic creep and the person with the least social awareness in the history of the forums. they finally left our graces only a year ago.

i would stuff on his grave but hes into that so

cp stands for rooster pisd

Completely forgot about this guy, LOL

he moved to twitter probably

he moved to twitter probably

He's probably in some discord grooming kids tbh.

probably owns slaves

I've give the benefit of doubt to him and say he was just some dumb kid who didn't know any better, although realistically he's probably taken off the deep end and became a degenerate.

Remember when Racerboy was also grooming kids? Good times.

guys he's not a child enthusiast he just likes to collect underage erotica. get it right forgeters, there's a big difference between wanting to forget little kids and wanting to forget little kids

remember when shizza was revealed to be a child enthusiast creep and then they dissapeared without saying a thing

its always hilarious when someone gets outed as a total loser and just dips. be a man and own up to your depravity so we can shame you more

Anyone remember Vertzer?

Also weren't Otis and Clone v1.17 also creeps or am I misremembering because they were on the forum for a long time.

Don’t be so 5 minutes ago. Show us your own KJ style and post pictures of your best diaper pose using #KJTrends.