Author Topic: Cheesepizza2 - Bad faith poster  (Read 20731 times)

today i will remind them
you know what forget it it's not like y'all will listen to reason

I love how this instantly set him off. If someone said something about LGBTQ+ or 1352 he probably would have just laughed and nodded. In claiming Magus had political baggage he only revealed the extent of his own.

Why don't we just listen to every 14 year old that says all sides of the spectrum suck? People that are very vocal about trans and racial rights are equally as bad as people that support child-raping megachurches and still actually think black people are subhuman, right? Just don't take a side dude, it's that easy. The kids had it figured out all along.

I hope this kid grows out of his dumbass alt-right phase soon. Everyone who was an edgelord in highschool completely regrets it afterwards.

The only problem I see here is getting political when it’s irrelevant
There will always be people making jokes about the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Premium ($2.99) movement and other edgy jokes, people do it all the time here, not just cheese
It’s also hypocritical to rail on him for making jokes that target people while literally targeting him

The only problem I see here is getting political when it’s irrelevant [sic]
Not like he's being purposefully inflammatory on discord and starting political arguments for the sake of starting them by insulting the beliefs of people who are chatting about something entirely different, going into political threads and spouting unsubstantiated opinions and then deflecting everyone who responds to him with mocking ignorance with such precision idiocy that he doesn't even respond to what was brought up in the post, but instead creates a strawman of something entirely different, among other things. Nooooo. Couldn't be that.

There will always be people making jokes about the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Premium ($2.99) movement and other edgy jokes, people do it all the time here, not just cheese
What I gather from this post if you haven't read through his posts or this drama, and you're cut of a similar cloth (because you made a nonsense pass at the LGBTQ+ movement for the purpose of reactions, as well as being apathetic and or defensive towards what he's posted.)
The only problem I see here is getting political when it’s irrelevant
There will always be people making jokes about the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Premium ($2.99) movement and other edgy jokes, people do it all the time here, not just cheese
It’s also hypocritical to rail on him for making jokes that target people while literally targeting him
Yeah. We should just take it sitting down. Can't believe I ever thought of telling someone who has openly expressed opinions which imply he is tribal, homophobic, and an absolute babbling idiot on this forum off; that's basically the same thing!

Not like he's being purposefully inflammatory on discord and starting political arguments for the sake of starting them by insulting the beliefs of people who are chatting about something entirely different, going into political threads and spouting unsubstantiated opinions and then deflecting everyone who responds to him with mocking ignorance with such precision idiocy that he doesn't even respond to what was brought up in the post, but instead creates a strawman of something entirely different, among other things. Nooooo. Couldn't be that.
"cheese is intentionally flammatory" nope it's not at all my fault you get completely pissed when someone isn't hard lib left
What I gather from this post if you haven't read through his posts or this drama, and you're cut of a similar cloth (because you made a nonsense pass at the LGBTQ+ movement for the purpose of reactions, as well as being apathetic and or defensive towards what he's posted.) thought of telling someone who has openly expressed
"support us or you evil bigot"
Yeah. We should just take it sitting down. Can't believe I ever thought of telling someone who has openly expressed opinions which imply he is tribal, homophobic, and an absolute babbling idiot on this forum off; that's basically the same thing!
literally exactly fitting the sjw stereotype

"cheese is intentionally flammatory"

please go back to making Riddler jokes in the back of special eds class every single loving user on this website is sick of your concave forehead having ass

you're getting destroyed by every single loving person around you and you still have the gall to sit there with your fingers in your ears going NAH NAH NAH ITS YOUR FAULT HEHEHEHEHEHE OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no loving wonder you spend so much loving time arguing politics on a dead forum you inbred

"cheese is intentionally flammatory" nope it's not at all my fault you get completely pissed when someone isn't hard lib left"support us or you evil bigot"literally exactly fitting the sjw stereotype
this would’ve hit in 2015

*makes political thread*
"what? someone's replying politically? l0l looser keyvoke him"
"people are who they say they want to be! unless i don't like them in which case i will choose FOR them"
"no one could POSSIBLY have a worldview different than mine they're just hiding it"
"hey can you shut the forget up i don't want to hear your different perspective something something lgbt something something just because a few a lot the majority of us directly or indirectly dislike straight people doesn't mean we all do it again stop being an idiot stop commiting wrongthink and be lib left NOW"
"black people are animals"
"hey that's tribal!"
"no i'm not, see the armband?" (blm)

half his posts are strawmanning people's arguments

I know plenty of edge lord kids who make constant jokes about epstein and draw swastikas, they are the worst people to talk to and its gets old really fast. Edgy jokes can be good in the right context and if its once in awhile but making it political and wanting reactions constantly is gonna make people stay miles away from you. Help yourself pizza and rethink your current mindset so you can actually communicate like a normal human being and not act like a living-breathing, political cartoon piece of a newspaper.

Not like he's being purposefully inflammatory on discord and starting political arguments for the sake of starting them by insulting the beliefs of people who are chatting about something entirely different, going into political threads and spouting unsubstantiated opinions and then deflecting everyone who responds to him with mocking ignorance with such precision idiocy that he doesn't even respond to what was brought up in the post, but instead creates a strawman of something entirely different, among other things. Nooooo. Couldn't be that.
You’re just verbose-ifying things already said.
Lots of people make edgy jokes, why are we targeting him for making edgy jokes? If he annoys you, fine. He annoys me too. We don’t have to make everyone that annoys us a crusade against people that don’t think exactly like we think.

how old is cheese really

You’re just verbose-ifying things already said.
Lots of people make edgy jokes, why are we targeting him for making edgy jokes? If he annoys you, fine. He annoys me too. We don’t have to make everyone that annoys us a crusade against people that don’t think exactly like we think.
I'm reiterating my points because you didn't understand them, dumbass. The reason isn't because he makes edgy jokes, if he's joking at all.

"cheese is intentionally flammatory" nope it's not at all my fault you get completely pissed when someone isn't hard lib left
"support us or you evil bigot"
literally exactly fitting the sjw stereotype
I don't get if you're trying to milk a response out of me or not, but refer to the post here

I know plenty of edge lord kids who make constant jokes about epstein and draw swastikas, they are the worst people to talk to and its gets old really fast. Edgy jokes can be good in the right context and if its once in awhile but making it political and wanting reactions constantly is gonna make people stay miles away from you. Help yourself pizza and rethink your current mindset so you can actually communicate like a normal human being and not act like a living-breathing, political cartoon piece of a newspaper.

You should listen to what this guy is saying. Being an edgelord also makes you attract stuffty people who become stuffty friends. Remarkably, people who are over-the-top obssessed with hating SJWs and gays also tend to hate themselves, and try to drag you down with them. I'm speaking from experience here.

Lots of people make edgy jokes, why are we targeting him for making edgy jokes? If he annoys you, fine. He annoys me too. We don’t have to make everyone that annoys us a crusade against people that don’t think exactly like we think.

I think he's being targeted for being a handicap. It's only edgy jokes if you ignore the constant strawmanning, stuff reasoning, having a victim complex, and other symptoms of being a contrarian just for stuffs and gigs. Yes, many if not most forumers are left-wing, but you could probably get on fine if you aren't handicapped and know how to argue. The only defense he has is that he's 14 and too dumb to understand what he's really saying.