Author Topic: (News) Massive ass explosion in Lebanon, fireworks warehouse?  (Read 2879 times)

still don't understand how tf i'm "bootlicking"
Thinking liberties end where usefulness begins. forget off with your bullstuff, fireworks shouldn't be illegal in any capacity.

Thinking liberties end where usefulness begins. forget off with your bullstuff, fireworks shouldn't be illegal in any capacity.
how is that bootlicking lamof is your brain functioning

besides if fireworks shouldn't be illegal than c4 and stuff shouldn't be illegal

how is that bootlicking lamof is your brain functioning

besides if fireworks shouldn't be illegal than c4 and stuff shouldn't be illegal
fireworks only explode and ignite some chemicals. if one was set off on your chest you wouldn't die, you would survive with some pretty bad burns (depending on if it's one that's meant to fly up high and explode), and depending on what it is, blindness or deafness.

c4 and other breaching explosives will tear you to bits if you're so much as in the area. their explosion isn't meant to ignite chemicals to create colors. if you're close enough to see them up close and not die (you'll probably get hit by the shockwave and shrapnel) you'd most definitely be permanently blinded or at least temporarily deaf, with bad burns just from being near it.
the implication is that fireworks and other small scale explosives are all equally as dangerous as explosives meant to breach and or instantly kill as per the geneva convention..
perhaps you gathered your opinions through incredible scientific sources? if so, then perhaps the US military should start using fireworks and small caches of gunpowder to breach or use as grenades?

remove hands they're too dangerous

the point is that fireworks should be heavily regulated lamof, i don't get why making something so dangerous and so useless (up until july 4th that is) require a permit is so bad

how is that bootlicking lamof is your brain functioning

besides if fireworks shouldn't be illegal than c4 and stuff shouldn't be illegal
Yes and Yes.
And seriously, you're comparing a breaching explosive, and explosive used in claymores to firecrackers and fireworks mortars. Maybe huff less Kiwi Shoe Polish.
And don't come at me with the "I support guns, BUT" arguments you used early you statist forget.

the point is that fireworks should be heavily regulated lamof, i don't get why making something so dangerous and so useless (up until july 4th that is) require a permit is so bad
Local child doesn't understand current legislation or explosives.
More at 10.

BREAKING: God to nerf Firearms in next global patch.
    "they were getting to be a hassle, removed bleeding damage and halved the damage output.", said the holy one on twitter.

give me 1 practical use for fireworks for people without a pyrotechnics permit

give me 1 practical use for fireworks for people without a pyrotechnics permit
They don't need a practical reason, gives me one reason why I should surrender my pursuit of happiness because you're too dense to hand fireworks safely.

give me one reason why I should surrender my pursuit of happiness because you're too dense to handle C4 safely.

give me one reason why I should surrender my pursuit of happiness because you're too dense to handle C4 safely.
As someone who has actually made explosives and dealt with them, I am capable of safely handling C4 (which is inert most of the time, almost like you need detcord to set it off 👀)
But you act like 365 days a year I can walk down to my local fireworks shop and buy a regulated explosive device that the BATFE totally wouldn't be tracking or have me licensed, tracked, taxed, and questioned for buying or possessing. You can't even buy larger fireworks post 4th of July in 90% of US states.

But yeah once you've made some volatile stuff like AN or ANFO called me before you blow yourself up. loving statist.

the combine could conquer earth tomorrow and cheese would still find a way to bootlick

do you actually understand what bootlicking is? no clue how you could reasonably say i'm bootlicking

But you act like 365 days a year I can walk down to my local fireworks shop and buy a regulated explosive device that the BATFE totally wouldn't be tracking or have me licensed, tracked, taxed, and questioned for buying or possessing. You can't even buy larger fireworks post 4th of July in 90% of US states.
so uh... you completely agree with me?