Author Topic: what's the biggest L you've taken in your gaming history  (Read 8332 times)

2 L's but still related

i was basically just acting like a massive handicap on bl in 2010(?, could be then to 2012) and totally deserved taking the amount of L's i was given

another one was trading off an evil skeptic face on roblox in 2013 to a friend, only to find out it was worth like 15k 5 years later
we don't talk anymore

i remember crying in some like space ship gamemode on roblox when i was 10 cause this dude was making fun of me relentlessly
loving lmao

oh also i cried at minecraft once in like december 2011 cus a hacker was giving out diamond blocks at a server spawn, and an admin accused me of being the hacker / i had to give it all back

who else here took the L that is crying at negative IQ online game interactions

prob not the biggest but my parents bought me and my brother two copies of lego universe (if anyone even remembers it), i forgot about it and put it on the shelf for two years, then when i refound it and actually wanted to play it, the online servers were shut down. just two years. dunno if it was even a good game though
i played it, dont remember that much about it but i did have fun provided i had a subscription active. there is an active project to resurrect the game (darkflame universe) so we'll see how that ends up
who else here took the L that is crying at negative IQ online game interactions
i yelled at people in caps lock on roblox, i dont remember the context at all but i know that i was quite the emotionally unstable child

anyone else remember those roblox freebuild type games where there'd always be some guy who'd join and just loving delete everything

i bought sonic lost world 3 times

i bought sonic lost world 3 times
honestly, what the forget man

who else here took the L that is crying at negative IQ online game interactions
like all of them originate from this game and these forums

one time on roblox someone was being rude to someone else so i just said (damn, [name] is a bitch) and got banned. i still dont know how or why it went through and i sometimes still think im responsible for robloxes censorship-heavy chat (i was like, 13 or something?)

another time i was playing minecraft on a creative server with plots and i was trying to build a huge mansion (i was really young so it obviously sucked) and someone with worldedit offered to help but instead he just turned my whole plot into bedrock

one time on roblox someone was being rude to someone else so i just said (damn, [name] is a bitch) and got banned. i still dont know how or why it went through and i sometimes still think im responsible for robloxes censorship-heavy chat (i was like, 13 or something?)

another time i was playing minecraft on a creative server with plots and i was trying to build a huge mansion (i was really young so it obviously sucked) and someone with worldedit offered to help but instead he just turned my whole plot into bedrock
this reminds me of a couple of separate incidents:
-getting a warning on roblox because i went into welcome to the town of robloxia, chose the reporter job, and went "HELLO AND WELCOME TO loveY ACTION NEWS" (south park reference)
-playing a minecraft server back in 2012 called 1337mine and i built my house somewhat near the spawn base, was fine initially but admins later got pissed and decided to threaten to destroy the entire thing and literally amassed an obsidian wall around it. did eventually use my speech 100 to just get them to redesign the house for me so it'd "fit in"
-getting another warning on roblox a couple of years ago because of a several year old forum post i made about 1x1x1x1
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 03:33:06 PM by Mr Queeba »

when i was younger i did all sorts of stupid stuff on roblox
it's actually incredible that my main hasn't been terminated since like 2011, considering the stuff i've said and done

honestly, what the forget man
two of those times were on PC because the 1st PC copy i removed from my account

2nd time came from humble bundle a month later

one time i was playing scp:sl (stuff game ik, but just read), uberclutch run where i survived a headon with several scps as a scientist, barely escaped, did excellent, went through gate a to surface and as soon as i go out onto the road 500 chaos insurgency spawn in and shoot me ded

 i was tryna get the true champion badge for this game ( ) with like 5 friends. badge means killing a group of mercenaries that spawn and the elite mercenaries that spawn afterward
they are loving hard (the regular mercenaries are already hard to begin with) considering the elite mercs have

operator : has a drone that moves and shoots with long range
specialist : chain gun  guy go brrrrrrr
firebug : basically instakills you if you come close
demoman : shoots one shot kill grenades in an arc
cloaker : will go invisible and try to john lennon you
also they have a lot of health

so me and my other friend were the two last people left in the game with the firebug, demo man and the cloaker dead.
my friend has an auto sniper and i have a ballistics vest and an assault shotgun
let me explain for a moment
guns work as you click on someone and wait (and probably move)
if something is in the way or they move out of range your gun doesn't shoot

my friend tells me in vc the guy with the chain gun is rolling up so i roll up to him and i aim to him and try to shoot
i have vest and it soaks the bullets for a bit
specialist has 7 hp remaining
death is permanent and you get set back to lobby