Author Topic: what's the biggest L you've taken in your gaming history  (Read 8326 times)

HURR DURR EPIC GAMES BAD INSTAGRAM BAD REDDIT GOOD shut the forget up steam takes 200000x more of your monies than epic games does


i only go to reddit for research........ my very good friend has had his epic account breached, and it later happened to me. that's what i was talking about with Chinese guy, not that Epic is partially owned by TenCent.
(which I wouldnt care about, because I have spent lots of money on Riot's products, which is even more owned by TenCent). this is also why i am meticulous about password and account safety, so having my account breached really was something.

fair but it's not like steam is exactly 100% free of hackers

neither is literally any other part of the internet
before this thread derails, a pretty big L i've taken is how many blockland saves i've lost. none of them were brilliant works of architecture, but a good deal of them were my first blockland builds.

Found the problem
i could bring up the L i took in registering to my old username on the forum but that wouldnt be as interesting as a story

i could bring up the L i took in registering to my old username on the forum but that wouldnt be as interesting as a story
tell us

biggest l of my life: playing blockland

then leave
smh my smh you cant be addicted to drugs just stop taking them

when some brother on roblox when I was 11 in that trading place said he could give me free obc and then he stole my account because I gave him my password like a loving idiot and then he started deleting stuff from my account. Luckily my dad got my account back and made it protected. Also months after people were loving trying to get my green dual energy swords and I think somebody actually hacked my account and traded that stuff to their account. so basically I just rid of the other one by trading it to some random so all the madness would stop

prob not the biggest but my parents bought me and my brother two copies of lego universe (if anyone even remembers it), i forgot about it and put it on the shelf for two years, then when i refound it and actually wanted to play it, the online servers were shut down. just two years. dunno if it was even a good game though
bro i loved lego universe. i almost cried when it shutdown

bro i loved lego universe. i almost cried when it shutdown

brother i forgot my original lego id account but bob was something else maan

bruh i did an etg run to get robo-dude, but i lost almost all my  hp at forge in the dead-blow lava room, then accidently threw the tv into a pit

i was basically just acting like a massive handicap on bl in 2010(?, could be then to 2012) and totally deserved taking the amount of L's i was given

same but 2014 to 2016