I'm allowed to have an opinion, as is everyone. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean I have to conform to your ideas. That would be communism. Call me names all you want it doesn't bother me. The fact that you result to insults immediately instead of actually taking my post in and responding somewhat intellectually or at the very least witty just shows that you can't cope either. I haven't called ya'll a single name but sure I see how it is
Of those 3 flags only one resulted in one of the bloodiest wars in American history
Obviously the LGBT are the problem here
damn and it took NASCAR till June 22, 2020 to finally remove it from their car races - i wonder if everyone was thinking about slavery and the civil war right before the race too because thats totally what you think about right before a good fun family time at the racetrack huh
us at the race track in indy:
*whispers to deo* "hey man remember the civil war"
deo: "yeah man that stuff was dope....in a bad way"
me: "yeah but the union won so it's all good right?"