Author Topic: saxton hale ultimathread || vote mann co. 2020  (Read 1196 times)

welcome to the saxton hale megathread

moral intewgrity

saxtoton hale has 3 policies:
sell hats using his inherited company
beat up yeti
no wear shirt

saxton hale fighting a shark (something only an asutralitan can do)

despite gray mann stealing his company unfairly and
saxton hale continues to be an example for australians all over the world. pleaase share if you agree and vote saxton hale King of Australia in the kangaroo boxxing match

a fine image of saxton hale. i like that you included a bit of his rooster and balls

Wholesome thread, 10 out of 10 kangaroos.

god dammit this thread made me think about that one saxton hale cosplayer and now im sad

god dammit this thread made me think about that one saxton hale cosplayer and now im sad
god dammit i looked up who you were talking about and now im sad


VSH>ZombieFortress>FortWars>Randomizer>Prophunt>TF2 X10