man you guys hear all the riots on the streets from the german conservative party about the statues of himmler being removed? pretty crazy
I've been here and looked at the memorials before. one's got a relief on the side of it of a dixie cross about the size of a person being waved, and the other honors confederate soldiers while denouncing union soldiers, of whom several died in the same land. it's not being removed, it's being relocated via a private entity to a place more suitable than east city plaza
if you really cared about history you would be going to st augustine not for "food and ice cream and stuff," but to visit castillo de san marcos, wherein battles were fought by and for the english, spanish, seminoles, americans, and confederates, its limestone walls and iron cannons standing strong for three and a half centuries. history isn't being rewritten, you're free to experience it yourself. but enjoy your ice cream.