Author Topic: Filipe1020's Add-Ons Development Topic - Locked  (Read 63796 times)

I'm still waiting for Filipe to make a Legacy pack that adds all his older cars. DeLorean, Venom, Jeep Mk2, etc.
Honestly Kenko's Archive is your friend in this case. That and if you can do the right searching in his older posts/topics. Unless if you meant a remaster, which is a different story...

I'm still waiting for Filipe to make a Legacy pack that adds all his older cars. DeLorean, Venom, Jeep Mk2, etc.
Late reply but yeah use Kenko's archive for now like Night Hawk suggested, because some of these old vehicles will be remade eventually.

I love the 1962 Chrysler New Yorker it so good! :o

Something that always kind of bugged me about steering animations with all vehicles both old and new is the linearity. The steering animation slows down near the center and speeds up near the ends. Physical steering/handling is 1:1 linear, but since I often drive in first person, the non-linear steering wheel animations always throw me off.

Is this something that has to be fixed per vehicle?

Something that always kind of bugged me about steering animations with all vehicles both old and new is the linearity. The steering animation slows down near the center and speeds up near the ends. Physical steering/handling is 1:1 linear, but since I often drive in first person, the non-linear steering wheel animations always throw me off.

Is this something that has to be fixed per vehicle?
I use three frames for the steering animation, left, middle and right, I did notice that slowdown in the center and removed the middle frame to see if it fixed, but strangely I didn't see that issue getting removed, so I'm as clueless as you on that situation, but I'll try and redo the animation from scratch with other methods to see if I can find a way to fix this.

the animation nonlinearity is most likely a model animation issue - the animator has to use linear interpolation for it to line up perfectly but that's not commonly known. this requirement is also needed for alignment of looking up/down animations for standard players too.

The DTS Exporter I use that manages animations for Blockland don't have any linearity options, neither I see it on the program I use to convert my models for the game. Actually let me double check if I can find it first before I assume that.

The DTS Exporter I use that manages animations for Blockland don't have any linearity options, neither I see it on the program I use to convert my models for the game. Actually let me double check if I can find it first before I assume that.
you set the animation interpolation in NLA Editor by selecting the first keyframe and changing interpolation (default key T)
it will use that interpolation between that keyframe and the next

assuming you use ports exporter thats all you need to do to set it up

you set the animation interpolation in NLA Editor by selecting the first keyframe and changing interpolation (default key T)
it will use that interpolation between that keyframe and the next

assuming you use ports exporter thats all you need to do to set it up
I use Milkshape 3D to convert my models for Blockland not Blender, so I don't have a NLA Editor, just to clarify my models are made in Maya.

ah mb - milkshape iirc according to darksaber only does linear interpolation so i guess you’re good then

ah mb - milkshape iirc according to darksaber only does linear interpolation so i guess you’re good then
If there's gaps between your frames, then there's some smoothing between frames, you'd have to go frame by frame for linear animation

This is a 30 frame animation of cubes going to the right before returning to the center, the small cube is frame by frame, and the big cube has one frame 15 frames in where it's completely to the right, and one frame at the last frame where it's back in the center

If there's gaps between your frames, then there's some smoothing between frames, you'd have to go frame by frame for linear animation

This is a 30 frame animation of cubes going to the right before returning to the center, the small cube is frame by frame, and the big cube has one frame 15 frames in where it's completely to the right, and one frame at the last frame where it's back in the center
Ah so that might be the issue! My animation only uses 3 frames like frame 1 when fully left, frame 10 when centered, frame 20 when fully right.

Update: I did the frame by frame animation but that did not fix the delay issue.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 06:57:12 PM by Filipe »

Well it's something that applies to every single Blockland vehicle with a steering wheel, including Speedkarts. Which makes me believe it's something done on a global scale all across the game. Which makes me wonder if there's a workaround that way, changing something in the data of the game itself.

The Rivera Gravel and Cobra are now released! More vehicles will be released soon along the way so stay tuned for that!

bump, plus, more vehicles will be announced here soon.