It's genuinely been a while since I've seen the Blockland Forums again, I thought about this place earlier today while I was stuck in bed finding myself extremely weak to the point of being barely able to walk since a few days ago. I thought it'd be fun to just explore what dumb stuff I posted way back when from the perspective of being much older, and having a much different perspective on life than I did even a year or so ago.
Since you can't register on the Blockland Forums anymore from what I heard, I guess this really is my last chance to see it all, before it all closes down in an undefined amount of time. I wonder if anything would ever replace Blockland come into the future?
I really do miss some of the users that I used to see so often, like Vegetarian Zombie, Kochieboy, and Gatysh (especially him! I hope he's doing a lot better nowadays!) and a few others that I hardly even remember since I barely remember anything outside of some great moments from my time here. The only things that really rang a bell was the presence of a... Let's just say pony RP (This was 2011, during the height of MLP), I remember acting like such a massive little stuff on there, YOU NOTICE ME, HEY YOU NOTICE ME, GIANT DRAGON DESTROYING EVERYTHING, that sort of stuffty RPer. I wonder if any of the people who hosted that RP then would actually remember me? Wouldn't blame you if you guys still hated my guts, kind of had very good reasoning to!
I also vaguely remember the Lord Tony and MLP fiasco that happened as well. It was a surprisingly lively place back then.
Well reading through my sent PM's, I saw some things that were cringeworthy, and some things that were "NO GOD PLEASE NO WHY, WHY ARE YOU WRITING RAPE STORIES YOU WERE 12 AT THE TIME OF WRITING THIS WHAT THE forget"
I found a really gorgeous picture out of it though, which is kind of nice given all the bullstuff I wrote I had to trudge through.
Here's a link if you want it (MLP related though, not my drawing): reading through most if not all of my posts 2017 and earlier, it really does feel like I wrote almost nothing of value. A lot of attempts to be funny that just come off to me as toxic/cringy, some of them are funny, I guess? Actually, that's what it mostly comes across way back when, just me being straight up toxic, even for BLF standards. And for all the stuff I said/caused: I'm sorry, I actually feel bad for some of the stuff I did, and some of the massive problems I caused.
I guess it kind of makes sense, being plagued with multiple (at the time) undiagnosed mental (maybe even some physical?) issues will do that to a person. Untreated PTSD + untreated gender dysphoria is a pretty nasty combo I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Anyways, enough about me! Have a few old awesome threads and some rambley stuff/random questions!
Have an OMG SO ADORABLE cute snake thread!Remember that one time Jesus was going to delete the planet?Rughugger became a daddy!Rughugger's daughter after a couple more years, she's so cute!Wasn't there some sort of executive order made against Lord Tony as well? Something about banned from posting about ponies at all?
What sort of big things happened during like 2017-2020 blockland forums? All sorts of big things happened way back then, surely it mostly hasn't changed nowadays, just a few less with a lower population.
Any old blocklanders that you guys remember? It'd be awesome seeing a blast from the past from other users! (like Rughugger!)
And it's so weird just seeing this place mostly deserted now, the old massive Minecraft thread ending at 1.12, the MLP topic just straight up dead (which kind of makes sense I suppose, the fandom is basically dead at this point), the night and day discussion topics are just dead, the recent posts are now kind of sparse. It was bound to happen, I suppose. Nothing really gets to last forever.
But still, it's so eerie watching this forum fade into obscurity after investing so much time into it way back when.
I guess it's time to wrap this thread up then before I wind up staying up all night digging into BLF's history some more.
Does anybody here actually remember me? I'm genuinely curious now, I know I wasn't that memorable of a user.
And finally: I'm sorry for all the stuff I wound up causing, I was a really toxic starfish back then, and thank you for the great memories you all gave me though! And seeing some of the awesome old threads really cheered me up during this stuffty time, so thank you all for that as well!