Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 607295 times)

jammy101101 banned me for the reason
: overcompetitive

Back on my first day of Blockland, my first username was ROBLOX, because i was and still am a forum moderator in that game. I joined a server, I believe it was Diggy's (back when he was "Wentworth") Metropolis RP. Some noobish admin banned me for 1337 minutes for "being a traitor".
The admin that banned you was a idiot that obviously hates roblox. I dont know why we even have this roblox vs blockland bullcrap. Its the reason why all the roblox guys were banned from blockland servers.

On topic:a guy banned me for 1 hour with this reason:"aaaaaaaaaaaa". It was nothing but a load of spam.

Back on my first day of Blockland, my first username was ROBLOX, because i was and still am a forum moderator in that game. I joined a server, I believe it was Diggy's (back when he was "Wentworth") Metropolis RP. Some noobish admin banned me for 1337 minutes for "being a traitor".
Diggy's doesn't have 'crap' admins as you say. He has very nice and non-abusive admins unlike many of the servers out there right now. He has people that have been around for a long time and he trusts them really good. Some of them were in his old clan, the USSR, such as Loserhero and CeeCee (no not that 18k imposter CeeCee, the 9ker CeeCee). Some of them also made some builds for him such as Swat725. Some helped him while he was busy such as Niliscro. Others helped him with coding such as Mctwist. And some of them modeled such as Beachbum (removed) and Phydeoux.

I was joining Fleskhjerta's Freebuild but when I joined he banned me for the reason "GAYFISH"
Turns out I want this guys key revoked.
I hate him!!!!
Yeah.That wasnt was some dude names blocko builder

I thought I'd bring in a little Irony to this equation;

I've known Bushido for a long time, as a friend. A pretty good one I might add.
Now for a while, as you know, he's been making some addons.
You know how Scripters get when they create acclaimed mods.

Anyways, in his massive singularity of Ego, he decides to break...

So I join, he's working on something like a Modern Warfare Rip-off or some stuff like that.
Some dude thinks calling others Nerd and Geek is badass. I say something as a joke;
"You think you're COOL, huh Punk??"
"Well guess what"
" AREN'T."

So then Bushido goes on a NEEEERD RAAAAAGE!!!
"Worst arguemtn I've seen yet today"
"Christ you two just shut the forget up"
"Blahblah something else about how I'm an old croak"

In my defense, so that I don't make a bad impression,
I attempt to clarify myself. *Ahem*
"I was just kidding."
"Do you really think I would say something like that?"

So I get muted by his almighty pompous ass.
Obviously. He's Bushido. Mute for him is like the Ban button for an eight year-old.
So after about 10 minutes of waiting for my turn to say something in my defense,
I thought I'd give the 'ol chap another go. I reconnect;

"Say a word and I'll ban you for Bug abuse."
Bug abuse?
I was pretty certain that the Mute addon was Illegal in the first place.

"I'm not going to argue."
Banned. Reason - "I warned you."


 Bushido either banned me for;

Saying Punk,
Promising Peace,
Exploiting a Bug of an Illegal Addon (if it still is),
Attempting to clarify something stupidly misinterpreted,
Having a stick so far up his ass he can't read,
or All of the Above.

The last time I've ever seen someone in such a bitchy attitude,
my ex was going through her Period.

This is for stupid bans, not reasonable ones,

Mute add-on is not 'illegal'
You avoided a mute
You adressed something unnecesary

By the way, how can hands have periods?

This is for stupid bans, not reasonable ones,

Mute add-on is not 'illegal'
You avoided a mute
You adressed something unnecesary

By the way, how can hands have periods?
Way to post a 'stupid' ban.

Mute add-on is no longer illegal
You're just being a suck-up
You don't know what you're talking about

By the way, you should have experience.

I'd been kicked for no particular reason from Galaxios' server. What the forget.

So i entered a random server full of people, and when i get in some handicap named Rikko says Do i know you?
and im like "No" he says " Are you sure, i feellike i've met you befor" Me"No"

Then he bans me for this reason: "ROfLMALOOMGWTFBBQNOOBASSfrien d YOU BAN MY FWEND ASScigarette >:C"

And i Irc'd him saying "Why'd you ban me, i have no idea who you are"
And he spamed it like for 10 mins befor i just said to him "Stupid little kid, you have no life, go flame a blckhead"

I later find out Blockhead19998 was being IRC spamed by Rikko XD

So i entered a random server full of people, and when i get in some handicap named Rikko says Do i know you?
and im like "No" he says " Are you sure, i feellike i've met you befor" Me"No"

Then he bans me for this reason: "ROfLMALOOMGWTFBBQNOOBASSfrien d YOU BAN MY FWEND ASScigarette >:C"

And i Irc'd him saying "Why'd you ban me, i have no idea who you are"
And he spamed it like for 10 mins befor i just said to him "Stupid little kid, you have no life, go flame a blckhead"

I later find out Blockhead19998 was being IRC spamed by Rikko XD

He did this to you because you're stupid.

And you totally didn't edit it.

Sorry for my bad spelling :/

Someone holds a grudge against poor old sharpie :c

I've been banned for many times and reasons. It's obvious.