Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 607368 times)

You doubleposting loving cheater!

forget forget forget forget forget! I was about to get the 100 page but I get IP spam blocked. GOD DAMNIT LOOONGGG POST.

noedit: "I hate the internet and everyone on it?"

You doubleposting loving cheater!

I never get milestone posts. This is my first one. Be nice.


I never get milestone posts. This is my first one. Be nice.
Plus it was a legit story. I saw that there was one more post to 100th, so I added more detail to the story to get it.

I guess that is cheating but it was legit.

SeventhSandvich is assasinated! Cybertails1998 is now the King!

Also, can we get back on topic? It's just a loving page

SeventhSandvich is assasinated! Cybertails1998 is now the King!

Update: I just got banned from terminator7's server for teamkilling, when i was being teamkilled by this "Dipstuff" named air gear who was spawnkilling everyone in the spawnroom, and i was trying to get away. Hence, the server host terminator 7 must be suffering from stupidity and i reccomend you ban this dumbforget from your servers before he spams it out. I already banned him from mine for trying to build a borg cube out of 1x1 plates.

Update: I just got banned from terminator7's server for teamkilling, when i was being teamkilled by this "Dipstuff" named air gear who was spawnkilling everyone in the spawnroom, and i was trying to get away. Hence, the server host terminator 7 must be suffering from stupidity and i reccomend you ban this dumbforget from your servers before he spams it out. I already banned him from mine for trying to build a borg cube out of 1x1 plates.
Terminator is quite handicapped
If you want people do ban others, you should provide their ID

Terminator is quite handicapped
If you want people do ban others, you should provide their ID

Also, another server i was banned from was God Of Brick's deathrace, its not very good and there are like 20 vehicles piled up at the spawn. God was clearing everyones bricks even though at the time he had declared it a freebuild, and was being a general richard.
I cant post pics now because of the stupid kiddie ice rink im at now but i will post pics later.

Anyways, he had this dumb little 8 year old hood who's always trying to suck up to godofbricks and please him. He banned me for no reason when i was trying to build a house, and when i came back he had just banned 2 other people for the reason: "OGM NOO DIS NOT UR PLAEC U GO NAO CUS I BOZZ HUEHUEHUEHE". He is such a handicap i could not bear it so i just left. Right before he banned me. I tried to connect and hour later and it said i was banned for "Being dumb". Seriously, what the hell?

Note: the idiot who banned me is called wolfy.

Once I decided to make a temporary brick to see what events a server had. I had only subconsciously absorbed that there was a flash grenade spammer on the server. I got banned ("Found your spamming ass!" or something) permanently, and told the idiot who banned me that I was looking at the events on the server. I don't recall what he said, because this was some time ago, but it was something like "I don't care".

As luck would have it, I 1. had saved just to see all the spam other noobs had made ("good Lord, I HAVE to explore these further...", and 2. remembered the idiot's ID.

Brick menu on 1 player Internet server rocks all your retaliatory banning purposes.
Also, I hope that the spammer doubled his efforts.

I was banned from Blaze the Cats server for trying to explain to her that spam can also be on a baseplate.
Reason: Its not SPAM if its a baseplate I should know ive been here longer than you!
My id is 11k. Hers is 17k.

I remember getting banned once for attempting to build a hobo box