Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 672199 times)

cat gave dragonoid_slayer admin because he bought him hosting. fun fact: grapple knife tdm hosts are all morons

i mean i enjoy grapple knife but cat123 is just going overboard with his stuffty administration at this time

this is dark blockland guard's server

all i did was ironically and non-seriously call him a monday or something along those lines
dark blockland guard is an annoying starfish, just ignore his server

i mean i enjoy grapple knife but cat123 is just going overboard with his stuffty administration at this time
stuffty administration to go along with a stuffty server and stolen build? Who would've thought!

stuffty administration to go along with a stuffty server and stolen build? Who would've thought!

cca tried to improve grapple knife but he got revoked so

and its his fault entirely so nobody should feel any sympathy for him

and its his fault entirely so nobody should feel any sympathy for him

i mean despite his actions and his behavior i really see no point in you stuffting on him for at least improving something to the game

as a person who thinks cca is an starfish

people have been giving out ideas to improve the gamemode for years but nobody has ever followed up on it. cca is no exception considering his server was a concrete copy of cat123s

cca is no exception considering his server was a concrete copy of cat123s

no it isn't

the map difference in cat123's and fairfax's is that the spawns eventually fade away to prevent farming

he removed levels and replaced it with kdr, deaths, etc

the platforms are different iirc with a different color, meaning it's not stolen or anything

that's the only noticeable differences that existed since fairfax was working on it so far

but that's like saying it's an original concept -- it's cats server that's retiled with spawns floating around

nothing of value lost. This is a moronic conversation

but that's like saying it's an original concept -- it's cats server that's retiled with spawns floating around

nothing of value lost. This is a moronic conversation
why did you even choose to continue the conversation if you think it's moronic? wait, nevermind, just dont reply to this comment.

why did you even choose to continue the conversation if you think it's moronic? wait, nevermind, just dont reply to this comment.
do you know how normal interaction works? even if it's a stupid topic both us are allowed to disagree with each other

but that's like saying it's an original concept -- it's cats server that's retiled with spawns floating around

maybe reskinned with platforms yea but that doesn't equate to being a 'concrete copy' if you want to be illiterate with that

if you wanna get more technical there were also no kill plates

nothing of value lost. This is a moronic conversation

yes because a discussion that involves in a person trying to tell you the difference between two clearly contrasted examples is a "moronic conversation"

i used the wrong word to illustrate my point, crucify me timestamp
I'll rephrase just for you: his "new" sever concept added nothing to the gamemode therefore there's no value lost with it being gone

it's a moronic conversation because we're arguing about the quality of forgetin grapple knife servers dude

i used the wrong word to illustrate my point, crucify me timestamp

not even the case here but whatever

his "new" sever concept added nothing to the gamemode therefore there's no value lost with it being gone

i would disagree but ok, agree to disagree

i wouldn't consider this


though, i think of it as a discussion, but if you wanna take this "argument" negatively then that's on you. all i'm trying to observe is the difference here as a person who's actually played his server a couple of times

So I joined Venomenz's Counter Strike [-Blockland Version-] WIP, and unsurprisingly, not only were the only 3 people there admins, but the host had an ID of 209550, while another guy (whos name I didn't catch) had an ID of 209555 (Obviously not related at all), so I knew this wouldn't be good.
I joined and I instantly had low expectations after looking at the BL_ID's, saying: "something tells me this wont be good"
I spawn and to no surprise it was the Afghanistan map. Not even 5 seconds after spawning I get banned by BlockZClevar1.

He loving said YOLO.

loving YOLO.