Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 675591 times)

I was just blindly joining servers cause nothing up interested me, when I joined i didn't say a loving word nor did anyone else.

then this happened

Lol same guys i got banned By TITO or lambdaTorin when i joined his server i said hi and he banned me lol!!!!

thot patrol doesn't allow furrys or handicaps on their servers

  Lol same guys i got banned By TITO or lambdaTorin when i joined his server i said hi and he banned me lol!!!!
and this gives you the right to act like a tard and scream in the BLG chat

and this gives you the right to act like a tard and scream in the BLG chat
Yea ok

good ban reason

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i feel like there's more to that

not sure where else I should put this since I don't have any evidence to make an actual drama but goldtit's build to survive is full of sperging stuffposters that keep spamming huge fonts and emotes

im not naming names because lets be honest I only have two I can remember but its loving annoying

magus strikes yet again

This isnt the first time hes done stupid crap like this either, as an admin he seems to jump straight to permanently banning for extremely minor offenses which is a red flag, he also kept whining on planrs server for his admin back after he was demoted for doing this stuff.

Either he has no idea what sarcasm is or hes just deliberately flexing his power to fill some power void in his life.

Energizer is generally an annoying little stuff and has bugged magus before so it really isn't surprising

Energizer is generally an annoying little stuff and has bugged magus before so it really isn't surprising

Doesnt make it right to ban him for innocuous stuff, arent you also that guy who always sticks up for magus too?

Magus is a twat and I don't know why this dude has any sort of admin privilege anywhere.