Author Topic: worries and thoughts  (Read 8337 times)

« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 08:42:39 PM by Raulix »

I feel like I'm going to be hooked on meds for the rest of my life. i used to be on 10MG lexapro and I was barely functional and I'm 5MG rn but i still struggle with energy and motivation and stuff and I can't focus on any of the creative endeavors i wanna pursue. i'm also trying to get diagnosed with ADHD w my psychiatrist and i might have to take stuff for that and i don't even know if I wanna get it treated with meds.

I feel like I'm going to be hooked on meds for the rest of my life. i used to be on 10MG lexapro and I was barely functional and I'm 5MG rn but i still struggle with energy and motivation and stuff and I can't focus on any of the creative endeavors i wanna pursue. i'm also trying to get diagnosed with ADHD w my psychiatrist and i might have to take stuff for that and i don't even know if I wanna get it treated with meds.
i'm also weaning off my antidepressants, but i've accepted that i'll be on things like my nerve blockers for the rest of my life (i have super painful, persistent facial neuralgia). there's nothing wrong with having to take medications to help your mental health. there's nothing wrong with needing that extra push to help yourself. sometimes your brain straight up doesn't make enough of the chemicals it needs and it needs help and that's okay.

i get that taking pills is exhausting. i used to take 11 pills a day back before i was finally prescribed something that was able to dull my neuralgia. now i'm down to just 4 a day, possibly soon to be 3 if i can successfully wean off my antidepressants. but i don't think there's any shame or any problem with taking medicine for your health.

also, there's far worse things to be hooked on, like nicotine lol

time started going really fast and it wont stop now
ill spend an entire day doing jack stuff and wont even notice it

also, there's far worse things to be hooked on, like nicotine lol
its literally good for you but go off i guess

its literally good for you but go off i guess
insane people blockland forum posts

anyway I guess I haven't posted here yet. so. I don't really have anything I'm exceptionally worried by in the short term. I'm a little concerned about my long term health if I don't adopt better eating and exercise habits, and that's proving difficult. but other than that things are pretty alright. I'm making good money doing a job I like for a company that isn't destroying the planet or human civilization. the money thing really makes all the difference. it's nice not having to think about that anymore, which I certainly did have to, not even two months ago
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 12:26:28 AM by Foxscotch »

I got a new job and I was told I'd be working 10 hr days 4 days a week and that occasionally I'd be traveling. and to me that's cool. then after I finished my week of training, literally my first day they told me I'm going to be working out of town for six weeks 6-7 days a week. 😐

its literally good for you but go off i guess
how tf is nicotine good for you?

how tf is nicotine good for you?
i guess if you're already addicted to it and want to avoid withdrawal symptoms lol

nicotine whilst not extremely degrading in health (compared to other drugs) is a substance you should never touch. from my experience its just too god damn addictive. i think overtime the addiction has lessened my attention span drastically, that plus its general social acceptance and legality make it too accessible. and i don't even want to picture how much money i've spent on nicotine. i regret ever trying it its been like 6 years now and i still can't quit.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 12:14:58 PM by Damp »

nicotine whilst not extremely degrading in health (compared to other drugs) is a substance you should never touch. from my experience its just too god damn addictive. i think overtime the addiction has lessened my attention span drastically, that plus its general social acceptance and legality make it too accessible. and i don't even want to picture how much money i've spent on nicotine. i regret ever trying it its been like 6 years now and i still can't quit.
yeppp. as someone with an addictive personality/prone to substance dependence...i do my best to stay as far away as possible from it. i knew a guy in college who needed like, 3 of those sublingual nicotine things just to feel anything from em. i know that if i ever start, i'll probably be like that

A lot of the people I was friends with on this game have been slowly but surely going off the grid for the past 5 years. I used to speak to like 12-ish people consistently, and now I'm only in touch with 3. Not really a worry but more of a thought. It kind of sucks

I worry that my ambitions far outpace my abilities, and that I'll never truly be satisfied by any of my accomplishments.

Nicotine is great. I usually vape as it's cheaper to just get a giant bottle of juice rather than buying Marlboro Reds or Lucky Strikes every few days.
Cigars are based and so are pipes, nicotine is the stuff but also makes me have to stuff.

plad im gonna put nicotine patches on your body while you sleep so that you wake up with the biggest stuff known to man in your bed