Author Topic: [BRICKADIA NEWS] Port, fiance of Evar, proven to like kids  (Read 66040 times)

what did you do to this person in the brickadia discord, soukuw?
More personal attacks and apparently from 2019
so... what did he do to that person in the brickadia discord?

More personal attacks and apparently from 2019
so... what did he do to that person in the brickadia discord?
love with children and kill them

damn, i hope the deceased children receive therapy and get over their trauma

To anyone else reading this who's been in a similar situation to me: Don't underestimate how much this stuff ruins your brain. I'm 21 now and I've never been able to have any genuine, stable friendships until just this year because my already bad social skills were so thoroughly ruined by the internet. Go to therapy if you can, look up self-help resources for trauma survivors if you can't, and don't perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
seconding this as someone with the same diagnosis and while its from IRL stuff, a LOT of it can also be linked back to my time on the early internet :/
Which predisposition do you have to have to let banter on an internet lego forum give you long lasting mental trauma?

Which predisposition do you have to have to let banter on an internet lego forum give you long lasting mental trauma?
Just because it's the funny haha internet lego forum doesn't mean you can't be traumatized at a young age like you could anywhere else, especially considering the type of actually toxic personalities that the funny internet lego forum was allowed to harbor

I'm honestly sick and tired of seeing this excuse used in serious situations

Just because it's the funny haha internet lego forum doesn't mean you can't be traumatized at a young age like you could anywhere else, especially considering the type of actually toxic personalities that the funny internet lego forum was allowed to harbor

I'm honestly sick and tired of seeing this excuse used in serious situations
I do not believe this.

I grew up here and registered an account when I was only 11 years old and I do not suffer any lasting mental consequences from my time here. I've had more than my fair share of what you might call "internet bullying" aka getting called mean things by hormone-raging high school teenagers as well as early run-ins with notable forum degenerates like Port. Developing thick skin is an expected and crucial part of growing up, something that most contemporary internet dwellers lack.

Despite the forum's bad reputation I'd wager most children who grew up here ended up growing up into functional, well-adjusted adults anyway. The handful of people who end up mentally screwed are almost always either the result of bad relationships with their parents or already had some kind of pre-existing mental condition.

I do not believe this.
that's ok, because nobody is looking to tyler66 on the blockland forum for approval. you can think whatever you want

Tyler66 got called a handicap or a cigarette once and thinks that's bullying I guess.
I talked about something I liked and got spammed with comics of me committing Self Delete and shoving guns up my ass, then I got groomed by different people and when I tried to report it nobody believed me until another user made dramas for those people.

I do not believe this.

I grew up here and registered an account when I was only 11 years old and I do not suffer any lasting mental consequences from my time here. I've had more than my fair share of what you might call "internet bullying" aka getting called mean things by hormone-raging high school teenagers as well as early run-ins with notable forum degenerates like Port. Developing thick skin is an expected and crucial part of growing up, something that most contemporary internet dwellers lack.

Despite the forum's bad reputation I'd wager most children who grew up here ended up growing up into functional, well-adjusted adults anyway. The handful of people who end up mentally screwed are almost always either the result of bad relationships with their parents or already had some kind of pre-existing mental condition.
Common Tyler66 W

i agree with tyler. this forum isnt any worse than many public schools. most people here didn't end up like shygriff

that's ok, because nobody is looking to tyler66 on the blockland forum for approval. you can think whatever you want
You're projecting if you believe other people come to this forum for approval.

Tyler66 got called a handicap or a cigarette once and thinks that's bullying I guess.
You've completely missed the point and tone.
I talked about something I liked and got spammed with comics of me committing Self Delete and shoving guns up my ass, then I got groomed by different people and when I tried to report it nobody believed me until another user made dramas for those people.
You talked about guns and I talked computer viruses- both of us got shamed for it because we were both children with unrestricted computer access on a forum full of 16 year olds. Put kids and teenagers in the same place anywhere online or in-person and you'll get identical results. This forum is not special.

You're projecting if you believe other people come to this forum for approval.
I literally said the opposite of that what post did u read

can someone tell me how to stir fry brown rice properly every time i try to it comes out alright but a little hard

can someone tell me how to stir fry brown rice properly every time i try to it comes out alright but a little hard
have you tried doing it right