Read Meditations. Marcus Aurelius makes great mention of handling yourself after getting groomed by AGPs on an uncensored lego game in the wild west era of the internet.
>Reads the SparkNotes Meditations once because its "based"
>Completely disregards the ideas of stoicism and the intentions of Marcus Aurelius by actively stuffting on others, albeit, with no hope of enriching the discussion.
What a great contribution to this thread you are. If Meditations changed your perspective, then you'd either directly present your ideas to the others in this thread respectfully or you'd outright move on.
For years, the valid concerns of both parents and active community members were stifled because most of you thought it was much too entertaining to paint them like paranoid lunatics. Not surprising to see so many people hurt from general naivete by being a young user with so many creeps around. No wonder so many parents were concerned, maybe the parents were not the problem. This changes how I look at the mailbags of yesteryear. Instead of trying to clean up the forums, it cultivated an nasty group of people trying to be the last man standing. Only a handful actually care about the game and many more don't even know where to start to bring it back to its glory days. Those days are gone and I really don't see it ever getting much better considering how the latest threads panned out. There's never a positive movement trying to breathe life back to the game, it seems like it's mostly chasing off whoever's left.
I passed through in hopes of seeing people create new content and have some laughs again, but that's gone too. I hope everyone that left the game long ago went on to better things, I know many have. I also hope that those who were hurt or been in uncomfortable situations also got help. As for the last of you that stayed around with similar ambitions as me help out the decent parts of the community i.e. Blockland United, there's still blank canvases to be painted with who we have left.