Author Topic: blockland: the community that killed the game  (Read 97438 times)

Actually, now that you mention it, doesn't that mean that these guys are, and have been, in possession of pictures of random people who are/were minors?
This is a great point you bring up, and really puts me in the same camp as the countless child enthusiasts that were exposed here and on Brickadia. Moralizing about me being "creepy" for reposting pictures you felt like uploading to this site as a child with no regard to future use holds no weight compared to you willingly uploading them to a forum with a massive child enthusiast problem.
I'm not even going to bother reposting a picture of you because I already envision the ugly freak every time I have to read one of your posts. Have you ever tried I'm interested in seeing the results.

I'm not even going to bother reposting a picture of you because I already envision the ugly freak every time I have to read one of your posts. Have you ever tried I'm interested in seeing the results.
How tiring is it being this hateful toward a community, let alone a single person, on a dying forum for a game you barely have any investment in?

Youknow they might just be doing a little trolling and may not hold any negative sentiments towards the community. They ARE here after all.

How tiring is it being this hateful toward a community, let alone a single person, on a dying forum for a game you barely have any investment in?

Youknow they might just be doing a little trolling and may not hold any negative sentiments towards the community. They ARE here after all.
If you know the kind of trolls that have come and gone since the dawn of these forums' existence, it wouldn't be crazy to assume that one's antics isn't just their actual personality being passed off as trolling

functional human beings don't act like this and if it was their actual personality you'd have even less reason to interact because functional adults don't turn out like that for a reason

This is a great point you bring up, and really puts me in the same camp as the countless child enthusiasts that were exposed here and on Brickadia.
no but it definitely throws you into the weirdo category

Not if they're a complete stranger they found on the internet, at least, i wouldn't hope so
I have several pictures of Ryan Gosling and hunky 80s actions stars in their prime, they were all minors once. I have never met them and I don't know them (except gosling he's literally me)
I get your sentiment and I just think using close to 10 year old pictures is a cigarettegy reply, use some up to date ugly photos instead man

ryan gosling is in his prime

ryan gosling is in his prime
So am I, as he is literally me

This is a great point you bring up, and really puts me in the same camp as the countless child enthusiasts that were exposed here and on Brickadia. Moralizing about me being "creepy" for reposting pictures you felt like uploading to this site as a child with no regard to future use holds no weight compared to you willingly uploading them to a forum with a massive child enthusiast problem.
I'm not even going to bother reposting a picture of you because I already envision the ugly freak every time I have to read one of your posts. Have you ever tried I'm interested in seeing the results.
This post is so vintage, it's cute, I haven't seen arguing like this since before the irony poisoning began.

I havent played blockland 'seriously' a long time man. I remember i used to play tf outta this game but eventually i lost interest. It's really crazy to look back on the history of the game and the community. also it weird to be apart of it too with all the drama, situations and the owner lmao

I'm 25, started out on this game when I was 11. I was on my dad's windows xp laptop that could barely handle it at low settings. I was on the forums a lot too, from back then in middle school and basically all the way through high school as the game slowly died. Apart from people rightfully mocking me for being a stupid kid in the beginning, I'd say my tenure here was mostly positive, made a few friends along the way none of whom I still talk to. I must have just managed to not notice a whole lot of the darker stuff going on. I stayed away from the drama board and just shot the stuff on off topic most of the time. This place was a huge part of my childhood, the game was too. It really is a shame that it never got the management and promotion it truly deserved. It could've been as big as Roblox is now if it weren't for all the things this thread has mentioned

Dont you like actually look this way though

He looks like that but he doesn't say that

This picture is like eight years old lol, how do you even have this? Having random photos of teenagers saved that were posted years ago isn't the epic diss you think it is, it just makes you look like an obsessive cigarette lol.

I look nothing like that anymore either way, I did this thing called growing up. You'll probably understand when you get older. Where's your selfie stud? Let's put a face to the name.

This is a great point you bring up, and really puts me in the same camp as the countless child enthusiasts that were exposed here and on Brickadia. Moralizing about me being "creepy" for reposting pictures you felt like uploading to this site as a child with no regard to future use holds no weight compared to you willingly uploading them to a forum with a massive child enthusiast problem.
I'm not even going to bother reposting a picture of you because I already envision the ugly freak every time I have to read one of your posts. Have you ever tried I'm interested in seeing the results.
Your justification for being a creepy loser is... muh child enthusiasts? "Being bad is okay because there's someone worse", what a genius argument. Flawless logic there really.

Being a child predator is bad, but so is being a creepy loser lol.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 06:49:42 PM by Mr. Bones »