I'm 25, started out on this game when I was 11. I was on my dad's windows xp laptop that could barely handle it at low settings. I was on the forums a lot too, from back then in middle school and basically all the way through high school as the game slowly died. Apart from people rightfully mocking me for being a stupid kid in the beginning, I'd say my tenure here was mostly positive, made a few friends along the way none of whom I still talk to. I must have just managed to not notice a whole lot of the darker stuff going on. I stayed away from the drama board and just shot the stuff on off topic most of the time. This place was a huge part of my childhood, the game was too. It really is a shame that it never got the management and promotion it truly deserved. It could've been as big as Roblox is now if it weren't for all the things this thread has mentioned