Author Topic: So I've been cancelled on twitch with my Blockland history. Warning TLDR  (Read 58713 times)

A few of you are asking why I'm acting weird or out of character all of a sudden.

My blockland history was uncovered and released to twitter by a former Blockland user. They posed as a regular and planted their troll group to pose as regulars and then they would wait until the time was right to release the blockland info. Them posing as regulars did the most damage because they befriended a lot of my followers and mods. They were not genuine fans of me and they were not genuine friends.

This forum was basically a call of duty lobby. We were just trolls trying to one up the other troll. I was just the one who went above and beyond the other trolls and stood out.

Now I said some terrible stuff and nothing I can do can make up for that. I can't even begin to explain the context of 15 years to people outside of Blockland forums but you guys know the context.

You guys know I was just trolling, using shock bait, being ironic, sarcastic, joking, etc. I've entertained you guys for years. Some of you probably still mention me to your friends occasionally. Some of you guys knew I was playing a character, others could never tell.

So I tried moving away from the Blockland forums to find new trolling targets. I was an admin for a stuffposting group called Fallout: Radposting. I just like Blockland stood out everyone recognized me I went from absolute nobody to admin over night. Also not only I moved away from blockland I moved away from the tribal humor and Radposting started becoming an actual tribal cesspit of toxic people who weren't joking at all. So as admin I tried to remove that garbage only for the owner to tell me to forget off I can't do that. So I left.

Then I moved away from Radposting and moved onto adult swim and used my personality to become zero to somebody over night once again. I met with several celebrities, been on a few shows, Mike Lazzo himself walked over to me said "I know who you are you're Lord Tony" and shook my hand. Then At&t bought Adult swim and merged it with Discovery and the rest is history.

Then I was forced out of Adult Swim thanks to at&t and stuck with DBD and just like Blockland, Radposting and Adult Swim I went from a nobody to kinda well known overnight. My twitch was getting an actual following, it was making certain former blocklanders jealous

But it seems like I can never escape blockland my past will always come back to haunt me. I tried living peacefully and I was thrown back into chaos. I should have never tried to hide my Blockland past, in a way we are kind of a forgeted up family. I've known some of you guys for over a decade now.

I've grown and moved away from this type of tribal shock humor I displayed on the Blockland forums, it's no longer what I do now. I never associated with tribals and never will.

imagine getting richarded down by a twitter user :cookieMonster:

imagine getting richarded down by a twitter user :cookieMonster:

I know I've been avoiding twitter for like 17 years lol.

They actually asked me to make a twitter 2 weeks before the blockland info got released which now that I look back at it that was super SUS.

maybe you should try getting a job

Imagine cornerstoning your entire personality for over a decade on making enemies with everyone around you for a morsel of autistic self satisfaction and then trying to make them out to be “jealous pocket watchers” lol

Imagine cornerstoning your entire personality for over a decade on making enemies with everyone around you for a morsel of autistic self satisfaction and then trying to make them out to be “jealous pocket watchers” lol

I mean sure if it was someone I actually did something to on blockland and they had some crazy personal vendetta. Punishment befitting of the crime.

but I never interacted with this person before.

There is only one instance I could think of and it was probably because they were jailed for 10 minutes on a server. lol

trying to make them out to be “jealous pocket watchers”

They actually were upset someone gave me 100 dollars and then shamed them for doing it.

And were then telling the person to give them 100 dollars instead.

So, idk.

And then they said they'd take down the tweet for 50 dollars.

So idk maybe they are "jealous pocket watchers"

I don’t doubt they’re psychotic. I just find it super undignified for a grown man to try and punch down at the autists he tormented for a decade because they are seeking retribution. It makes me think you’re not actually sorry at all.

I just find it super undignified for a grown man to try and punch down at the autists he tormented for a decade because they are seeking retribution.

Oh no I agree with you there

the problem is I never interacted with them at all.

So this is where we disagree.

I'm not punching down anyone I'm just explaining the situation.

If it was anyone from my blockland past I trolled heavily I would 100% agree with you right here.

But I just simply never had an interaction with this person they weren't even a blip on my radar because if I recognized the name I would have banned them on twitch day 1.

Does that matter? You made it your business to be an awful and offensive person, the smartest thing that person could’ve done was not interact with you and give you the attention you craved. You stuff all over communities that people value for your own entertainment. You don’t have to go to the guys house and assault him to make him a victim.

I’m not doing a PM slapfight with you to prevent drawing attention to your expose thread. I don’t care if someone asked for $50, he could’ve been trying to scam you for all I care. It’s not like you’re going to go around and “make it right” with everyone you forgeted with as atonement, so if the guy can stick you for $50 I’m sure he’d take it.

I never investigateed people, I never got people fired from jobs. I never looked up their families and told their families to get cancer and die.

I'm guilty of saying mean things and spamming some lego bricks in front of a house's door so they can't get in.

I never claimed I was a saint.

Would you like a cookie? If the goal here is to act like you’ve grown and moved on you probably shouldn’t be trivializing your behavior, planting a flag on bare minimum moral accolades, and then stuff talking the people that forced you to apologize in the first place.

But I know you’re not actually apologetic, you’re too prideful to even switch up your alias when you transitioned from life long career troll to social media streamer. Imagine flipping 10 years of character play on its belly in an attempt to damage control a DBD channel.