Author Topic: Land of Dran  (Read 25385 times)

Uhhh, Dran, any update on dranland?

So I won't lie I did sort of 'take a break' for almost 2 months just cause I was busy or frustrated with trying to get some glitches fixed or whatever.
But I do wanna get back into working on this.
At a bare minimum I hope to get a client auto-updater and maybe an accounts system with a server master list done this weekend.
Though first I gotta figure out where I left off and what I broke last time I was working on it lol, maybe finally make a github for LoD to use for version control

edit: Making a new video with things like spot-lights, ropes, the new better way to 'slice' vehicles, emitters, jets, vehicle loading/saving, and gui additions, that have been added since the last video wouldn't be a horrible idea either.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2023, 05:07:52 PM by DrenDran »

Dran unban me from the 'cord

Dran unban me from the 'cord
DRAN DONT, really I am all for less bans and unbans (unless he is creep idek why he got banned) but he did center text and fit just feels so cursed dont unban him until he uncenters it.

DRAN DONT, really I am all for less bans and unbans (unless he is creep idek why he got banned) but he did center text and fit just feels so cursed dont unban him until he uncenters it.

DRAN DONT, really I am all for less bans and unbans (unless he is creep idek why he got banned) but he did center text and fit just feels so cursed dont unban him until he uncenters it.
A creep hunter dirlewanger warrior shouldn't be banned from the cord

A creep hunter dirlewanger warrior shouldn't be banned from the cord
until you uncenter that text you should be.

Your website is down.

Your website is down.
Yeah all of a sudden it's been having memory issues. I've restarted it for now. I hate webdev stuff

Moved to a SimpleMachines forum and appear to have less issues now.
This theme seems good, I'll install it when I get home :)

heyyyyyyyyyyyy land of dran bros hows it slumpin?

heyyyyyyyyyyyy land of dran bros hows it slumpin?
We slumpin...I...I think.... is this good slang?

Bumping this because I intend to post new videos of the combat system this weekend.

This appears to be breaking rule 4 and rule 2.