projection is a myth perpetuated by liberal propagandists
So you? I'm sorry but every time I see you post on here it's always some degenerate cringe and I'm happy Badspot came back just to give you a quick slap. As your kind would say,
"please walk into traffic." JK I don't wish that upon you and hope you can find some clarity and happiness without being so cringe and negative to others. :)Badspot has got some issues yeah, but who doesn't. No one is a perfect person, and some are maybe more flawed than others. Now that's not an excuse to make socially unacceptable and rude actions OK, I'd just like to point out that everyone here has issues, not just Badspot.
Maybe It's the constant outrage and cringe in this community In combination with Badspots flaws as a developer and person that has led us to where we are now, not just BIG BAD BADSPOT. IDC if I'm right or wrong. Just wanted to share my opinion that could maybe give others a different perspective.
pls dont ban me badspot ty for cool game <3 U