Author Topic: The IOF's invasion of Gaza  (Read 6112 times)

Israel has begun it's ground assault on Rafah.
Yeah, that same Rafah that the Israeli Offensive Force previously declared the only safezone left in Gaza, where supposedly the starving and wounded palestinian men, women, and children, would be allowed to stay without threat of being bombed. Well that turned out to be a lie already with multiple airstrikes daily on the civilian population. Now, however, with the western world distracted by a bunch of rich people in fancy suits and dresses attending a stupid-ass party in New York, Israel has decided to give the middle finger to peace talks and begin bringing tanks into Rafah.

Remember that thread a couple months ago where some guy tried to excuse the genocide of Palestinian people. One point I brought up was:
Previous moves by the Israeli Offensive Force have coincided with major relgious events such as Christmas, and cultural events that attract the US's attention such as the Superbowl.

And here we have the news concerned about some embarrassing stint with Jenna Ortega, and children are literally being shot by tanks.

That guy also brought up how generous Israeli forces are to announce their attacks before they occur. Well, yeah the IOF did drop fliers demanding that civillians evacuate Rafah. Except THEY LITERALLY ARE NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE ELSE, RAFAH WAS THE LAST REFUGEE CAMP ALLOWED THEM HOLY stuff

I know it is emotionally devastating to be following all of this in real time. Honestly sometimes famous people doing stupid stuff can be a reprieve. I for one am thoroughly entertained with how Kendrick is absolutely dismanteling Drake's Career, (and the backfire when Drake told Metro Boom to stick to making drumbeats). But even these rappers could be spending a little bit of their time bringing up how stuffty US imperialism. Macklemore, of all people, managed to do it (and still drag Drake and Kendrick for wasting time on their feud)

Some more links:

It's a good thing the loving cops are assaulting and arresting those scary college students peacefully protesting here in the US. And when they do stand back it is to let pro-zionist aggressors beat, pepper spray, and launch fireworks into crowds of unarmed protestors without repercussions. We all know how those student protesters against the Vietnam war were a bunch of hooligans who should be imprisoned or shot. We're just keeping up an All-American Tradition of silencing dissent.

Thank god congress got together to ban TikTok as well. We wouldn't want people using a media not regulated by the imperialist state let people have access to outside sources of information and humanize the people living through this imposed crCIA.


Oh, and yeah so I just learned that Israel is now specifically attacking the border between Rafah and Egypt.
In the last thread I had brought up how the border crossing was already difficult for Palestinians as Egypt doesn't have the facilities to take in the full influx of 2 million people at once, but now with the demands to evacuate the area (and the Palestinians not being allowed anywhere else in Gaza without being considered a combatant), the only option left was to try to leave through the Egyptian border. And now they are being killed there. I cannot even begin to understand how anyone could try to justify this outright evil behaviour.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 09:34:24 PM by Ladios »

Are you implying that any of us here, who played Blockland, would care about the Met Gala?

Not particularly, the discrepancy from title to subject was supposed to be kinda an ironic juxtaposition illustrating the difference in media representation of what events we should be concerned about. I can go ahead and switch the title up again.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 06:10:54 PM by Ladios »

Are you implying that any of us here, who played Blockland, would care about the Met Gala?
my only interest in the met gala is a fashion history blog i follow on tumblr who roasts the clothes worn. but i'm probably an outlier lol

Yeah, that's not what this thread is about, and you can kindly forget off.
We are criticizing a pair of despotic governments and the war crimes they are complicit in.
You can do that without being a tribal stuffthead.  :cookieMonster:

Israel is a tribal, Supremacist State:

So I know I should know better than to expect even an ounce of nuance out of anyone here but let me be more specific:

Yes, The State of Israel is a tribal apartheid settler colony. Good job acknowledging that.

evil jew scum
is an inherently anti-semitic statement.
The moment you bring religion and ethnicity into the criticism, you open the floodgates for those dumbasses who equate anti-zionism with anti-semitism.

There is a large portion of Jewish folks around the world, including in Israel, who oppose the atrocities being committed.
It is hard to believe that you are so obtuse as to not see the difference between legitimate criticism and what you said.

my comment only applies to the ones who are spitting at & committing violence against innocent people

Ok, but that could have been achieved by just saying "evil scum" or even inserting more specific language regarding the political ideologies at play here.

Imagine if this thread were also denouncing the active genocide also occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and you said the same thing but substituted "Jew" for "Black". You might have intended to specifically imply the forces fighting on behalf of Chinese and Western mining investment groups, but that is not at all what comes across from the specific words you chose to use.

Ok, but that could have been achieved by just saying "evil scum" or even inserting more specific language regarding the political ideologies at play here.

Imagine if this thread were also denouncing the active genocide also occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and you said the same thing but substituted "Jew" for "Black". You might have intended to specifically imply the forces fighting on behalf of Chinese and Western mining investment groups, but that is not at all what comes across from the specific words you chose to use.
okay u right, my language inclusivity was a bit too broad so let me narrow it down: evil jewish zionist extremist scum. hope that is better

That is more precise, yes, but there are also a great deal of Christian Zionists here in the US who are applauding this genocide and claiming it as God's Will. (And some more extreme fanatics who believe that Jesus can't return unless Israel is allowed to complete these atrocities. I'm too tired to look up exact references on what the groups call themselves but something about Revelations or whatever.)

Anyways, I haven't been keeping as thorough a log of updates of the daily horrors the innocent civilians of Gaza face, but last night there was an utterly condemnable act wherein Israel dropped over 60 bombs onto a tent encampment in Gaza, an area known as Block 2371, host of a United Nations Relief Support Tent, where just four days ago, the IOF had told civilians they should evacuate to because it would be a designated safe area.

It should be noted that Biden has said several times that there were "Red Lines" that Israel shouldn't cross if it didn't want the US to pull funding. Every single one of those lines have been crossed, and this newest horrific act has still not been enough to convince Biden that enough civilians have been needlessly slaughtered.

That is more precise, yes, but there are also a great deal of Christian Zionists here in the US who are applauding this genocide and claiming it as God's Will. (And some more extreme fanatics who believe that Jesus can't return unless Israel is allowed to complete these atrocities. I'm too tired to look up exact references on what the groups call themselves but something about Revelations or whatever.)

Anyways, I haven't been keeping as thorough a log of updates of the daily horrors the innocent civilians of Gaza face, but last night there was an utterly condemnable act wherein Israel dropped over 60 bombs onto a tent encampment in Gaza, an area known as Block 2371, host of a United Nations Relief Support Tent, where just four days ago, the IOF had told civilians they should evacuate to because it would be a designated safe area.
yeah, wow. that is just terrible.

It should be noted that Biden has said several times that there were "Red Lines" that Israel shouldn't cross if it didn't want the US to pull funding. Every single one of those lines have been crossed, and this newest horrific act has still not been enough to convince Biden that enough civilians have been needlessly slaughtered.
unfortunately his only expertise is sniffing people and talking about ice cream. don't expect he will do anything just whats been happening which is continuing to fund other countries wars while our own economy is in the stuff

Most recently, Israel has now bombed a UN Refugee school where children were sheltering, killing over 40 civilians, most of them women and children.

Additional links:

Update 2024,06,08:

Recent attack on Nuseirat refugee camp leads to 274 Palestinians dead in single assault, 700 injured

Despite the continued attrocities, Hamas forces are still willing to sign ceasefire deal

Israel continues to refuse to accept ceasefire deals despite its own citizens holding daily protests because they just want their loved ones home. This recent group of protestors were not only ignored but arrested by their own police for advocating peace.

If this were about returning the hostages, Israel would have accepted any of the ceasefire deals that the US or Egypt have proposed. This clearly is not their goal as the continue to indiscriminately bomb the areas that these hostages are being held, instead of accepting the peace offer and the return of their hostages.

I really feel like this should have deserved a seperate post instead of just an edit but I don't want to get too spammy here.

Oh my god, so that attack that killed 274* Palestinians in 10 minutes I just wrote about?
I just learned that US and Israeli Forces hid inside an aid truck to get close to the refugee camp before opening fire on Palestinians.
Disguising yourself as a medic/aid worker in order to kill people, innocent civilians no less, is such a blatant war crime. Whatever happened to Biden's red loving line?

*Updated death toll from 210 to 274 for those who succumbed to their injuries since yesterday (64 of them were children)

Oh and so to those who were saying this killing of 274 Palestinians was justified because the IOF and US forces rescued 4 captives?
What about the 3 other captives that were killed by in discriminant fire during the attack on the refugee camp?

This isn't the first time that Israel has killed the hostages it is supposedly trying to rescue. Back in December, IOF forces shot and killed three hostages that were holding a white flag as they approached their supposed rescuers:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2024, 06:09:57 PM by Ladios »