Author Topic: Block Eye Entertainment[BEE]  (Read 13549 times)

Amazing, glad you got it up Dark. I thought V9 would be a big setback, I would join but I've started my own guild. Keep up the good work, (I'll be on sometimes)


ok well all the people that have just can help by acting which is going into my server, right now im working on a new site which is gona take a bit, couple of days but after that join my server if you see it, i dont have special times.

If its full send me a pm on these forums

Im in this clan WOOOO DARK YOU ROCK :panda:

Bump cause the new site and forums are released :D, i forgot to do it yesterday.

Anybody can register at the forums, its not just the members.

(I dont mean the person "anybody" i mean like, any person)

ok well all the people that have just can help by acting which is going into my server, right now im working on a new site which is gona take a bit, couple of days but after that join my server if you see it, i dont have special times.

If its full send me a pm on these forums
Uh Dark. I Can Never Find Your Server

Any chance I could join as a music guy/person/thing. I have sibelius 4 and a wide range of classical orchestra music.

Bump coz I would like to know :O

Bad boy double posted :O :O :O

general, yea i haven't been starting servers alot lately cause time warp is pretty much done, the filming.
You'll have to wait when time warp is released and we start away at war 2, getting msn would help alot, if i start server i can just message you, like this ill try to send you a message over forums but most chances you wont be on.

Tc, i'll add you on the members willing to join page, you've been abit in time warp too.

Zenloth thanks ill message you if we need anything

May I join?  I'd be a good actor in fighting movies.  I can't do voices though...

May I join?  I'd be a good actor in fighting movies.  I can't do voices though...

I updated the topic, and also added something at the end that will answer everybody who asks can i join. I dont want to type it again.


Bump!Lets see if we can get this topic active

Are I not in BEE? I thought since me do voices me in BEE. :D