Author Topic: Block Eye Entertainment[BEE]  (Read 13565 times)

^ Not by along shot buddy.

^ Not by along shot buddy.
No.. Because.. cuz.. Away At War 2 will be.. uhhh... HD! 8D

No.. Because.. cuz.. Away At War 2 will be.. uhhh... HD! 8D
Darkstar needs better sets :/

Also the plots are good but, the movies don't live up to said plots . Timewarp looks awesome though.

don't worry chase the sets are getting better.
and the time warp plot isn't actually too great, he steals a thing that sends him back in time, gets in trouble by some outlaw then meets a guy who he's after and he agrees to help him get safe from the bad guy by giving him his money, if he helps him get home. You'll find out if he does at the end.

All it needs is swholli's voices put in, i know eveyrbody is waiting and wondering but i know swholli will finish and it'll be great. better wait longer and have it better, already got a sample of the bad guy.
I have a feeling it'll be released soon, also cyber:

^ Not by along shot buddy.

Dark, i still need to be on the Website for Pending D:

oh sorry bout that.

BEE is probably the only APPless clan that has no app saying "LULZ KIL MII [Insert number in a noobish talk here] TIEMS'

bump, we now have custom site players :D

one for the trailers in the begining of the movies section here:

and the others will be for the full films, starting away at war and all the ones after.
Here's away at war on a player :3
(Theater Mode)

Check it out guys :D i made a little add on for our clan, anybody can download it its just that i dont want to release it, its not that good but pretty fun :P

Director chair:

I'm not going to explain how it works or show any more pics, its all in here:

Do not release it, you dont have permission.

Also add my name in list.

bump for justice, nobody has a conversation?
Here's one: hey how about that snow..i see lots of it falling here.

also bump for update, our new clan wallpaper.

Which is Here.