Author Topic: Half Life 2 Mod. (headcrab invation)  (Read 9466 times)

K, There are these things called "headcrabs" from half life 2, little alien crab things that latch onto your head

Have a team helping you and the headcrabs latch onto the players and it is shown as such,  then you must kill the "headcrab zombies" and the headcrabs.

If you have ever played half life 2 you know what this is and stuff.
There is a spawn that the headcrabs come from
The zombies walk pretty slow probably just a little slower than normal speed (If normal scale is 1.0, they probably go about 0.85)

To set up the game have a certain amount of bots on your side of the team, Then  headcrabs will spawn, and you have to kill all the headcrab zombies.  And you win!  But if everyone (the real players "humans" playing bl NOT Bots) has a headcrab aattached to them, then the humans loose D:

I have a picture below as sort of a reference, i might post what a headcrab looks like and a zombie.

Please make :D  (please dont think of this as the zombie mod and make them kill bricks, They dont kill bricks, they follow you and kill you D:)\

Ok i have a headcrab, i did not get the zombie because all the pictures would scare little kidos :P   They are pretty creepy when you get down to them with the rotting flesh and all...

So basicly this little guy just like sits on top of its host's head :D
« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 10:27:25 PM by jirue »

Ok first the head crab is gross

second not much of a thing I want

third get HL2

Ok first the head crab is gross

second not much of a thing I want

third get HL2

I DO have it......
And it is not something YOU have to want,

Q:  if someone made this would you have to download it?
A:  Nope.

Also, can you even mod/model?

IF someone does this, use this screeny i made for a reference.

Whatever, just make sure the headcrab model isn't a brown 2x2 :cookieMonster:

Whatever, just make sure the headcrab model isn't a brown 2x2 :cookieMonster:
lol yeh  :cookieMonster:

But really, i know that this is probably possible.  it isn't like the headcrab needs custom animations, it is just like a player.

Also,  PLEASE if this is done, don't make the headcrab zombies destroy bricks like in the actual zombie mod, because i don't know if you guys have played, but they do not destroy anything, other than sometimes waking up and throwing something at you

would also be cool if the zombies walked slower because they kind of limp along in the game, not really a normal speed

So PLEASE can a good moder and model maker team up to do this?   I think a lot of people would enjoy it.

Whatever, just make sure the headcrab model isn't a brown 2x2 :cookieMonster:
lol yeh :cookieMonster:

But really, i know that this is probably possible. it isn't like the headcrab needs custom animations, it is just like a player.

Also, PLEASE if this is done, don't make the headcrab zombies destroy bricks like in the actual zombie mod, because i don't know if you guys have played, but they do not destroy anything, other than sometimes waking up and throwing something at you

would also be cool if the zombies walked slower because they kind of limp along in the game, not really a normal speed

So PLEASE can a good moder and model maker team up to do this? I think a lot of people would not get the point of it.

Whatever happened to all that "omg don't make stuff from other games"?

Also, it's basically a new zombie mod; no point.

Whatever happened to all that "omg don't make stuff from other games"?

Also, it's basically a new zombie mod; no point.
It is not just a zombie mod
and where did you get the no stuff from other games because you dont see space guy getting in trouble (Portal gun AND Gravity gun with Weighted cube!)
So really it is a new mod...

I've never played HL2, and from your description, it sounds exactly like the zombie mod. Besides, you said it basically is, yourself ._.

The reason people get away with things like the Portal Gun are because they're fun and new. Sure, the zombie mod was fun, but if you make it AGAIN, it's not going to be a very good mod. In fact, it's almost pointless.

I've never played HL2, and from your description, it sounds exactly like the zombie mod. Besides, you said it basically is, yourself ._.

The reason people get away with things like the Portal Gun are because they're fun and new. Sure, the zombie mod was fun, but if you make it AGAIN, it's not going to be a very good mod. In fact, it's almost pointless.
sorry, let me restate what it is, and if it is still bad, then let it go
When i said like zombie mod, as in the spawn points and stuff

K, Top post modified, please now tell me what you think
« Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 10:21:07 PM by jirue »

I think he means kinda like Gmod's Zombie Survival.  Headcrabs turn people to zombies, the zimbies kill to infect more, if time limit is over humans win, if everyone gets infected, zombies win.

Zombie mod with brick damage off?

I did that with my brother all the time.

Ok first the head crab is gross
Grow some balls.
[ontopic]I like the idea.[/ontopic]

Zombie mod with brick damage off?

I did that with my brother all the time.
That is not really what i mean no :-\  I was just saying if you make this DONT do that :P
People here zombie and are all "DESTRUCTION!!!!11!!1one!"     but the only destroying THESE zombies do is sometimes throw sometihng at you if they wake up...

So... yes :D