The next issue of Nintendo Power...

Author Topic: The next issue of Nintendo Power...  (Read 3690 times)

Is going to reveal Kingdom Hearts 3 for Wii.

I shat 9753488 brix

Sorry for small image, I found it on /v/ apparently it is on the Gamespot website.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 05:47:24 PM by GingerJoe »

4chan images dont last very long :o

4chan fails.

KH fails.

Nintendo Power can sometimes fail.

but it can fight your way though enemy fire

nintendo magazine uk has a "big change" coming next month

i wana know what it is NOW

OH stuff oh stuff oh stuff oh stuff.
If KH3 comes out for the Wii I will be the happiest person on earth. Saves me $600 on a PS3 :D. Also, any news on when the PSP version comes out?

Oh btw, there is also a DS version and a mobile phone version coming.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 09:57:10 PM by Vertzer »

What about Pikmin 3?  I want that to be made.

So far KH:coded ( The one for the mobile phones ) doesn't have a release date.
Birth by Sleep ( The PSP one ) doesn't have one either.
358/2 ( DS ) has a current release date for Japan sometime this year.

Of course these might change soon.

sorry guys, kingdom hearts for wii is a joke.

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because he is too cool to actually appear in the game properly?

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because the people in the game do not want to pay for the right to use his image in the game properly?
fixed. I say they are cheap if they just use a silhouette.

I played was good. and np did say there was some "top seceret game" 20 times  :cookieMonster: all I have to say at this point is meh. just meh.

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because he is too cool to actually appear in the game properly?

why yes it is :cookieMonster:! isint it KOOL?

It was Castlevania, lier!

I guess I should give kingdom hearts credit for being the one JRPG man enough to admit that it doesn't have a right foot to stand on content-wise and so must result to paying out lump sums of cash to whore out cultural icons in an otherwise generic game.