Author Topic: The next issue of Nintendo Power...  (Read 3694 times)

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because the people in the game do not want to pay for the right to use his image in the game properly?
fixed. I say they are cheap if they just use a silhouette.
Because Disney is too poor to afford their own character... alright, I'll buy it.

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because the people in the game do not want to pay for the right to use his image in the game properly?
fixed. I say they are cheap if they just use a silhouette.
Because Disney is too poor to afford their own character... alright, I'll buy it.

He's a talking mouse...while that may be an easy sell to small children, if they want any decent market entry (save the lulz for later) they are gonna need to sell to preteens and teenagers. So how does one hype up a rather dull cultural icon? How about make him barely visable? And then you can surround him with generic characters and a clich'e "good vs. Evil" plot.

It was Castlevania, lier!
There's gonna be a new one coming out for the DS soon, you play as a chick and it seems it's going to be kick ass

It was Castlevania, lier!
There's gonna be a new one coming out for the DS soon, you play as a chick and it seems it's going to be kick ass
Just when you think all the metroloveual vampires are dead in the world... Damnit.

If this "top secret game" isn't any of those, I hope it's Earthbound :D

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because he is too cool to actually appear in the game properly?

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because the people in the game do not want to pay for the right to use his image in the game properly?
fixed. I say they are cheap if they just use a silhouette.

I have a feeling neither of you have even bothered to play the game from start to finish. He doesn't exactly save the day, although he does help, but slightly. You also get to see him perfectly, not a silhouette.

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because he is too cool to actually appear in the game properly?

Kingdom hearts is that game filled with stereotypical Japanese RPG characters and Disney characters and they go on some adventure with a massive key right? And then Mikey always shows up at the very end and saves the day, but you only see his silhouette because the people in the game do not want to pay for the right to use his image in the game properly?
fixed. I say they are cheap if they just use a silhouette.

I have a feeling neither of you have even bothered to play the game from start to finish. He doesn't exactly save the day, although he does help, but slightly. You also get to see him perfectly, not a silhouette.

Doesn't change the fact that it is a shameful brew of generic JRPG characters and Disney icons in what amounts to the Final Fantasy series with an even larger helping of fail.

I liked it. The storyline isn't that bad and it's fun.
I think the thing that intrigues me the most is the combat system. I hate the original FF turn based combat.

Lol, go back to blockland forums and up your post count. Oh wait nothing's changing there, carry on.

Lol, go back to blockland forums and up your post count. Oh wait nothing's changing there, carry on.

Go back to your furries, scat, childresearch, and loving stupid 4chan stuff.

I played the first KH, and it was a confusing soul/love-fest clusterforget. The storyline of "Hey let's find these people before they die... OOOH WHAT'S THAT! LET'S GO OVER THERE!" was just handicapped and I lost interest in it fairly fast. The combat was ok, but again if you play a game simply for the action then you might as well get God of War instead. But really, the main reason I stuck to it longer then I should have was the Gummi-ship stages. It sounds gay (and it is kind of), but you could make your own ship out of blocks and stuff and I had made a giant Cube with a forget load of lasers tucked in it and drove it through solid objects and all kinds of crap wrecking everything. Maybe I was just very bored because that feature probably wasn't all that great either. Then I hit that loving Water-World place and finally gave up.

I saw my sis play the second one and it just seemed like the first one, except more confusing and pointless and with more button mashing and farming.

Lol, go back to blockland forums and up your post count. Oh wait nothing's changing there, carry on.

Go back to your furries, scat, childresearch, and loving stupid 4chan stuff.

I don't even go to 4chan. Eat a bowl of richards btw.

Lol, go back to blockland forums and up your post count. Oh wait nothing's changing there, carry on.

Go back to your furries, scat, childresearch, and loving stupid 4chan stuff.
What's wrong with 4chan? :?