Author Topic: Most Missed Forum Members?  (Read 8046 times)

Chronic was like the only person who had mod status.

Rob... Lol. But seriously, i miss Spoot.

EDIT: I know Bleh7777 said he still plays AiO, but i miss hitm4n on the forums, he was really good at telling people off without being an ass, and he had really witty comebacks and was a really, really nice guy.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2005, 07:32:58 PM by VerticalHorizon »

Rob... Lol. But seriously, i miss Spoot.

LOL....Yeah...Spoot still plays BL if you ask him :)

Rob was very smart, but slightly evil...He had very strong, well throught out opinions, and could write about anything

Rob was the man. Smart, very very smart, hell, smarter than me. Slightly masochistic in his coding practices, though.

Aye. I miss Rob.

bleh still visits my RtB servers from time to time. i'm fading to actually.

I miss hitm4n, he had some fucking awesome builds, I remember going through that maze, that's the thing I remembered him for, mostly. He was even on Attack of the Show, but they made fun of his name :). I also miss ReD_eYe.

                                                                  This one's for you, hitm4n... and ReD_eYe. 
                                                                  Sincerely, Indy Smiff.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 11:24:28 AM by Indy Teh Smiff »

i remember when some noob called hit4man hatman, and everyone laughed, and it was funny :)

Nobody misses me? :(... I'd have to say I miss all the cool old members. (Lanhoj, Rob, etc... Even though some are still here.)

I remember you, once I was trying to reply to one of your posts, but II couldn't remember your name, so I had to keep looking back and forth :)

I forgot about ReD_eYe... Well, I didn't forget about him, I just didn't think of him as a forum member... more of a, drug-buddy. I wish he were still around, it would really add to the RTB team.

i miss puppy. and 007. and vrutabaga
I saw Puppy on a server today and I got kicked as soon as I joined. =/ Nothing puzzles God.

i miss piratepuppy and frag leader. i was in their clans in my dark and un revealed past....
(lights go out and you hear a faint whisper that says "he knows too much...")

I miss talking to sanity. I never see him in BL anymore.

Lol, I know where puppy lives, he told me O_o. Besides Wizzard, I miss MagicPants, Rob, and the Mac dude. They were all witty.

Wizzard1 was a cigarette. He kept making spawn traps and mock me whenever i wantd to go out of the spawn trap.

Doesn't Everyone?

Even though some of you disagree. I miss Terminal58, and i don't like him to clarify some things. I just like watching him freak out anytime anything happened, and how he got pissy and said loving and forget and ice cream so much. It was hilarious, what a loser.

The word pissy always make me lmao anyways I miss Merlin he always had some fun servers