Author Topic: DF: Bloodglazed Fortress  (Read 19953 times)

No, no no, it's not dead, I just flooded a mine shaft by accident, unfortunately I had to put [SWIM_INNATE] on so the dwarves wouldn't drown, but that worsened the situation, leaving a newborn child without a mother 7 stories underwater. Also, despite the slow progress, I've only got about 4-6 game days left.

And, upon that, I end my turn, with (some) accidents. Overall, the fortress is doing well and has 63/64 residents, plus, the guards have stopped sparring too, and they repelled some goblins who ambushed my dwarves earlier.

When I looked into this fort, my first reaction was what the forget
There are 3 people inside of the god damn water, and a dead baby in the water.
WHAT THE forget.
And it seems that all the prior leaders cared about was making the fortress pretty, so we only have a bunch of stonefall and cage traps and a rag tag team of military dwarves.
We have only 2 marksdwarves out of like a total of THREE god damn dwarves. the entire forts millitary is two god damn marksdwarves and a recruit. Another thing is that there are NO outer walls. I am going to start getting this god forsaken fortress defended by first building a moat and putting a wall along the damn thing.\

One of the loving miners collapsed a tile he was on and fell into the river. I am not going to make an effort to save him if he is THAT stupid.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 03:20:54 PM by Sheezy »

I had about 9 dwarves originally, but 6 of them managed to make their sparring partners bleed to death.

I had about 9 dwarves originally, but 6 of them managed to make their sparring partners bleed to death.

No, no no, it's not dead, I just flooded a mine shaft by accident, unfortunately I had to put [SWIM_INNATE] on so the dwarves wouldn't drown, but that worsened the situation, leaving a newborn child without a mother 7 stories underwater. Also, despite the slow progress, I've only got about 4-6 game days left.

Changing the raws is called cheating.

Yeah, Sheezy why don't you turn it off on off.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 09:45:23 PM by dUMBELLS »

At this point really I feel we should make a new fortress altogether. There has been allot of confusion, lack of updates (partly responsible here) and now some cheating.

We could try and continue this, or organize ourselves and make a new thread with a new fortress. If we DO make a new thread, we'll need to impose some rules because seriously I don't know what is going on anymore.

To add to the effort to restart monty was talking about masterwork adamantine battleaxes.
If we restart I get to strike earth.

Damnit, I wish I was more organised, we need a chasm in case we end up with another load of crap as a result of me not taking corpseloot tags out.

I'll try to find us a nice site, start a new thread and Sheezy will begin the fortress since it's his turn right now and anything else would be a little unfair (he'll start from the Prepare Carefully part)

Don't worry, I will not be using any cheating device to reveal tiles or anything. I'll just be inspecting the areas then handing the most promising location to Sheezy

Is it just me or is Monty a LOT stupider than he seems to be? First, the modeling incident, and now, he kills a fort and cheats, only to make it worse.

I modify the raws almost all the time, since I've expanded on the blank DF. It's becoming a bit of a habit now, I didn't actually ruin the fort, it's just that I flooded my trash shaft by accident while making a staircase.