Author Topic: The epic Project A!  (Read 14348 times)

Yes, that still makes the 8th updated version of Retail 6 times better than our first beta. Tell me why I should take this as bad news?

Oh wah wah wah.

Isn't that the invalid Roblox argument we always heard?

I dont get why you guys are getting into such a hype about this.

Average Source Game: Just a map -> 0fps
Project A: around 200 bricks -> 10fps
Blockland v0002: 1200 bricks -> around 2 fps
Blockland v8: 1200 bricks -> around 10 fps

I really don't understand why you used my computer playing Project A then compared them to your computer playing Retail and v0002. That's unfair. I barely even have a graphics card.
how can you compare 200 bricks with 1200?

and 0002 is very flawed with can assume your 10fps on 200 bricks would lower at 1200. and using your own comparisons on these games...
then its extremely easy to assume project A will not work for anyone on any machine.

broken ego time
even I, Bisjac, with my two 9800gx2's gets 31fps on v0002 when i reach 1200 bricks.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2008, 10:01:37 AM by Bisjac »

How else would they stack? I'm fairly sure Legos don't magically allign themselves.
There's your problem. You're not trying to make Blockland on the source engine, all you're doing is adding a lego brick prop.
Maybe if you knew how to code, you could have came up with a different way to stack bricks, something more sophisticated and practical.

It's funny to see how you cigarettes are defending your piece of stuff you call a mod for Source.

Seriously, you will never get anywhere making a game with only basic knowledge of coding and modeling, especially when you don't even have loving textures of it. And why are you making this mod anyway? You aren't being paid to make it or anything, hell as if anyone would pay for a guaranteed-to-crash mod.

Just spare yourself all the hard work of actually trying to make a mod for Source and drop this Project A bullstuff. Leave modding to those who actually know how to script and model. Maybe then they'd make something GOOD so that we'd actually enjoy it when they tell us about it.

How else would they stack? I'm fairly sure Legos don't magically allign themselves.
There's your problem. You're not trying to make Blockland on the source engine, all you're doing is adding a lego brick prop.
Maybe if you knew how to code, you could have came up with a different way to stack bricks, something more sophisticated and practical.
Exactly. You just made a seperate .exe, named it as Project A, gave the main menu a different look and added one prop. ONE PROP TO GMOD.

Stop bragging, moaning and having love with your stuffty mod just because it has a brick in it and screaming around "OMG WE HAV A BRICK ITS TOTALLY KEWL N stuff". Besides, that 2x4 is loving huge. The bricks aren't even 'snapping' together like ProBuilder said they would. You guys fail at making a mod.

behind 5 random passwords and the .rar has an archive pass. :D

Wanna try? I can give you the link...
Give it to me, I'll take a crack at it.

The scripting is what makes the game, not the result of 10 minutes in Milkshape.

Average Source Game: Just a map -> 0fps
Project A: around 200 bricks -> 10fps
Blockland v0002: 1200 bricks -> around 2 fps
Blockland v8: 1200 bricks -> around 10 fps

I really don't understand why you used my computer playing Project A then compared them to your computer playing Retail and v0002. That's unfair. I barely even have a graphics card.
how can you compare 200 bricks with 1200?

and 0002 is very flawed with can assume your 10fps on 200 bricks would lower at 1200. and using your own comparisons on these games...
then its extremely easy to assume project A will not work for anyone on any machine.

broken ego time
even I, Bisjac, with my two 9800gx2's gets 31fps on v0002 when i reach 1200 bricks.

I'm not the one that compared 200 to 1200. It was Space Guy :D
And yes, at it's current stage, Project A barely works on my machine.

How else would they stack? I'm fairly sure Legos don't magically allign themselves.
There's your problem. You're not trying to make Blockland on the source engine, all you're doing is adding a lego brick prop.
Maybe if you knew how to code, you could have came up with a different way to stack bricks, something more sophisticated and practical.

I'm not the coder :D
Also, I did lay out a plan for brick "snapping". I can give you what I had. But as you said, I'm no coder. We have someone else to do that, but he's lazy. I'm going to hire someone else.

It's funny to see how you cigarettes are defending your piece of stuff you call a mod for Source.

It's funny to see how you always find something to criticize. This is fun!  :cookieMonster:

Seriously, you will never get anywhere making a game with only basic knowledge of coding and modeling, especially when you don't even have loving textures of it. And why are you making this mod anyway? You aren't being paid to make it or anything, hell as if anyone would pay for a guaranteed-to-crash mod.

So you think we should just give up? That's no way to get progress. If you're correct, and we only have basic knowledge of modding, then how do you expect us to learn? Textbooks?
Actually, we have textures. Seven different skins for each block, actually. I can give you the TGAs if you want :D
And I wanted to make this mod to have physics on blocks. I don't see anyone else doing it.

Just spare yourself all the hard work of actually trying to make a mod for Source and drop this Project A bullstuff.

But I want the hard work. I knew it would be hard, and it has been. I won't ever get any experience for game development industry if I let a few unimportant people convince me that I should just play the games as they are and never make anything.

Leave modding to those who actually know how to script and model. Maybe then they'd make something GOOD so that we'd actually enjoy it when they tell us about it.

You wouldn't like a mod unless someone you like makes it. You guys will never admit that.

How else would they stack? I'm fairly sure Legos don't magically allign themselves.
There's your problem. You're not trying to make Blockland on the source engine, all you're doing is adding a lego brick prop.
Maybe if you knew how to code, you could have came up with a different way to stack bricks, something more sophisticated and practical.
Exactly. You just made a seperate .exe, named it as Project A, gave the main menu a different look and added one prop. ONE PROP TO GMOD.
If we made a seperate .exe, named it Project A, gave the main menu a different look and added twenty three props, how can we have added those props to gmod?

Stop bragging, moaning and having love with your stuffty mod just because it has a brick in it and screaming around "OMG WE HAV A BRICK ITS TOTALLY KEWL N stuff". Besides, that 2x4 is loving huge. The bricks aren't even 'snapping' together like ProBuilder said they would. You guys fail at making a mod.
And no, the 2x4 is at perfect scale. 4 blocks equals a person, 2 equals a person crouching. I was crouching in that picture :D
And if we fail at making a mod, how come you're making such a big deal out of all the screenshots?

behind 5 random passwords and the .rar has an archive pass. :D

Wanna try? I can give you the link...
Give it to me, I'll take a crack at it.

The scripting is what makes the game, not the result of 10 minutes in Milkshape.

Blender3D, not milkshape. Anyways, so if we have all the scripts and no models or maps, you would like the mod? I think not.

Blender3D, not milkshape. Anyways, so if we have all the scripts and no models or maps, you would like the mod? I think not.
I would, I don't know about you and your hair bear bunch you've got working on it.

so what happened to all this revolutionary game talk? if your planning on just replacing your only coder?
your only genius is to lazy to make any progress? what the forget is wrong with you people.

your stories are running dry, i hope you had fun hyping your community into loving you guys. because i can see its currently caving in.

And I wanted to make this mod to have physics on blocks. I don't see anyone else doing it.
Go play Roblox already you stupid cunt, even their stuff is better than yours.

Let me ask all of you guys this, Isnt Lego Crysis basically adding another prop?

we don't want physic blocks

it would be laggy and stuffs