Author Topic: Half-Life Custom Orbs  (Read 18310 times)

Sheezy, In my opinion, I believe that is Azerath's life choice to be a vegetarian or not, and that shouldn't be of a concern to you whether he is or isn't. I am a big meat eater as by my name, but I don't judge Azerath by it or not. I talk to Azerath frequently on msn, and he is no emo as you said before, as you assumed, in which he did as well, with you abusing pets. Kind of ironic, how he doesn't hold a grudge because you say he is an emo, and yet you hold a grudge because he thinks you abuse pets in life. It's his choice to believe whether you do or not, and holding a grudge for someone's opinion is just ignorant.

Ah, but livestock will still be killed if there are people like me that like being able to get a source of vitamin b12 that isnt from feces or insects.
Also, did you know that plants are completely aware of being chopped apart?
And dont say "Well they dont have a brain so it doesnt matter" because that is a handicapped response.
Now, you may think I hate vegetarians/vegans, but I dont. what I hate are SUMMER vegans, vegans/vegetarians that insult people who eat meat.


The insides of the enclosed letters need to be transparent.

Quote from:
There are only animal, but no vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, which is why herbivores (i.e. rabbits)
meet their Vitamin B12 requirements by eating plants that are infested with insects, or by eating their
own feces
, while in ruminants (sheep, cows), the microbes fermenting and digesting plant material in the
rumen (the first stomach) incorporate cobalt into Vit B12, which is subsequently absorbed and utilized.
Have fun eating ur p0opz. 

seriously, if you say that B12 isnt a problem, where the forget do you get it because getting it from insects is killing them, which you think is bad, and I doubt anyone would eat any pill that is basically refined stuff.

Sheezy, In my opinion, I believe that is Azerath's life choice to be a vegetarian or not, and that shouldn't be of a concern to you whether he is or isn't. I am a big meat eater as by my name, but I don't judge Azerath by it or not. I talk to Azerath frequently on msn, and he is no emo as you said before, as you assumed, in which he did as well, with you abusing pets. Kind of ironic, how he doesn't hold a grudge because you say he is an emo, and yet you hold a grudge because he thinks you abuse pets in life. It's his choice to believe whether you do or not, and holding a grudge for someone's opinion is just ignorant.
And its my choice to think he is a hipocritical bastard, because no matter what you eat, YOU ARE KILLING IT, so it doesnt matter if you are against killing things the only thing you can really eat without killing things is dirt/your own feces, but even at that you are killing bacteria.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 12:18:47 AM by Sheezy »

Believe it or not, when I don't eat meat, then it slows down the sales, which can slowly reduce the amount of cows killed. and with other people who don't eat meat, it could slow it down.
I can't believe it's that hard to think of possibilities.
Also, yes I do know. But even without them, other crops such as corn still kill animals too. So don't point it all at Soy.

Now will you just stop arguing. I'm tired of your flame posts filling up my threads that have nothing to do with it.

Congratulations, you just made me spit out milk over my keyboard. :l

why did you spit milk on your keyboard?
Laughing at his post?

Although I am starting to learn more towards chicken and eggs now.

Oh Noaz, he doesn't liek meat lets all flame him.

Get over it.

no no no no.
Oh noez, he doesnt like eating meat and he haetz people who do eat meat.
Mmmm, milk.
Washes down that bacon pretty well.

That argument ended ages ago, stop trying to bring it up so you get a chance to vent the anger from your PMS.

Oh noez, he doesnt like eating meat and he haetz people who do eat meat.
Wrong. Whether you like to admit it or not, Azerath is a nice person and does not judge people based upon what they eat, unlike you apparently. Because he doesn't eat meat, you keep flaming him, with no good reason. Hypocrite.

no no no no.
Oh noez, he doesnt like eating meat and he haetz people who do eat meat.
Mmmm, milk.
Washes down that bacon pretty well.

Dude, don't you loving get it?! I made one comment on your animal abuse thing, then you started rubbing it in my face that you eat meat. Then I made one comment about possibilities and say that I don't like others who eat meat. Yeah, you. Because you're the one rubbing it in face. If people would keep it to them selfs, I would like them. In fact, my best friend is a meat eater, and I don't give a care toward it, because he doesn't rub it in my face like a immature 9 year old bastard.

Look, about the vitamin B12 thing, my 19 year old brother has been a vegetarian since he was born. Has never eaten meat in his life, and he is fine. He's also buff. o.O

So stop blaming everything on me while your the only one I really hate that's a meat eater.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 10:12:52 AM by Azerath »

milk soy and dairy products contain vitamin b12. rabbits dont drink milk so they have to eat their own feces. if you're a vegan you're full of fail anyway so it doesn't really matter.

He cant drink milk, so that source of b12 is out.
Also, I dont give a forget, I will insult you with anything I can get ground on.
You loving pissed me off, because I love my pets very much and you say I abuse them.

Look, I told you already. I saw a theory, and you act like a jack ass. Plus, I just don't eat meat. I'm not a complete vegetarian. I could drink milk if I wanted to, but it tastes like stuff to me. Now just leave me alone. Or just leave. This topic has nothing to do about your immature complaints.