Well, we could discuss Yahtzee's review of MGS4, but it's obvious we can't.

Author Topic: Well, we could discuss Yahtzee's review of MGS4, but it's obvious we can't.  (Read 7677 times)

back in my day.... *old decrepit face* *grins*

lol your last name looks like boner


ya lol...totally haven't heard that one a million times.

In other news...why are you reading my profile?



Blah blah blah, nobody cares.

that game bores the crap outta jess  :(

Tried playing it with my boyfriend, well watching it... and good lord..


Well maybe "Jess" isn't smart enough to enjoy a good game.

that game bores the crap outta jess  :(

Tried playing it with my boyfriend, well watching it... and good lord..


Well maybe "Jess" isn't smart enough to enjoy a good game.

Maybe she has no interest in watching a movie thats supposed to be a game.

eh eh

I wouldn't call this review owning MGS4, since all it does is point out how Yahtzee doesn't prefer "Tactical Espionage".

I wouldn't call this review owning MGS4, since all it does is point out how Yahtzee doesn't prefer "Tactical Espionage".

Indeed.  You may not like this game based on your tastes, but he definitely did not own MGS4.

Look, the only game Yahtzee has ever given an actually good review on, is portal, doesn't mean he is a bad reviewer, he just points out all flaws and no pluses, in a very funny way.

That's the point.

Am I the only one that found this review to be more....boring/bland?

Am I the only one that found this review to be more....boring/bland?
I thought this one was pretty good actually, better then the few last ones fore sure.

I never thought anything he said was funny :/

i would rather play my little pony then watch a cutscene on a game for 90 minutes. I paid for the game, if i wanted a movie i would have bought one.

There....changed the thread title since it was bothering you all so much.

If you're that worried about it you might as well change it to "Yahtzee reviews MGS4 and you better not disagree or you're wrong and whatever you say will be labeled as crying and fanboy-ism then we will bitch at you about how we want more bang bang and less tactical espionage and in depth story, even though every other MGS has done this same thing but hadn't had the proper medium of delivery to make a game this big. (also Hideo Kojima's last Metal Gear game, which story has been in the making for over 20 years and wanted people who actually know what the forget is going on to be thrilled and entertained by the finale)

Actually, now that I think about it, that's probably too long for a title...just change it to, "Yahtzee said it so it's right"

Dude, stfu. Yahtzee has made fun of games I like before, and I laughed, because its not a big deal. Its funny to laugh at things you understand, and even if I LOVED a game he gave an awful review on, I still would laugh my ass off.

I did on Grand Theft Auto because those things were actually funny and true.  Half the stuff he's saying isn't 1. funny 2. true.