Author Topic: Dumb Things You've Done Today  (Read 3282 times)

At 3 AM when I was really tired I put my finger on the lightbolb in my lamp. The pain woke me up and I pulled my finger away, knocking the lamp on the floor braking it D:

i went nuts (as always) and started waking my self with my xbox 360 controller

I threw an old apple at a Passing Lamborghini on the road.
He wasn't happy :(

Cutted myself on accident with my brand new knife. 2 hours after I got it.

Tried to download Firefox because Internet Explorer wouldn't open.
Tried to use IE because Firefox locked up.

Forgot to open the tcp side of ports for utorrent and discovered that 100kb/s is not the normal speed for me.

600kb/s is.

Tried to download Firefox because Internet Explorer wouldn't open.

I got a blank page. I asked Azerath to get me a DL of Firefox because I think there is something wrong with IE 8 beta 1. Now I have to figure out how to do some stuff on Fire fox cus it is different.

I was cutting my toenails, then I got one in my eye.. Now it hurts D;

Bumped the oldest topic I could find ( ) and rick-rolled myself.

Well, here is something DUMB!!  I was making Pasta Roni yesterday and it called for a tsp of oil.  I reached under the sink and grabbed the oil, poured about a tsp by visually measuring and THEN saw that it was the Pine Sol!  The bottles are very similar and the color too.  Talk about DUMB!!!!