
Who would win?

The Punisher

Author Topic: Who would win in a fight?  (Read 1900 times)

Who do you think would win in a fight between The Punisher (AKA: Frank Castle) or Batman (AKA: Bruce Wayne) I say Punisher.

Batman fails, he likes teenage boys. He makes Robin wear tights.

Batman kicks everybody's ass.

I gotta say Batman, I mean, The Punisher uses guns, which Batman is pretty much an expert at fighting against.

Punisher gets inside his enemy's mind.

Batman most likely. He has bullet proof costumes, ya hear?

Baman, if he was assisted by Piderman, he's be almost unstoppable :D

Batman is the main character. He'd win even if he was tied to a chair with 3 metal saws coming his way.

I did this for stuffs and giggles, but this is just sad.

It takes the amount of result that Google came up with, if you were to search it.

How is it sad? People get horny and not everyone gets to have love daily, or have love at all.

If you do Roblox and Blockland, Roblox is totally PWNT.