Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 878531 times)

You get an explosion, which kills you.

*I insert a copy of Cave Story +

you get one copy of Cave Story 3D for the 3DS.

I insert assorted coins from different countries.

You get the coins back because we dont accept coins.

*I insert the copy of Cave Story 3D for 3DS

you get one copy of Cave Story +, although the box doesn't specify what for. probably PC

I insert a piece of paper with the words "Coarse, Rough, 1:1, Fine, Very Fine" written on it in blue pen

the vending machine walks away

i try to chase the vending machine down

you get a vending machine that's still running from you

i set a bear trap

you fall into your own bear trap.

i insert the unchangeable object.

you catch up to the machine and insert the unchangeable object

you get the unchangeable object, except it's changed to be round

I insert Khaz

you cant instert khaz because the machine got back up and started to run again

i chase it more

it spits out khaz's identical twin to stop you

i insert catnip

you get a fat orange cat
i submit

the vending machine says "well done"

I insert a Jim Davis Cartoon Panel

you get jon

i return gar feline to jon

jon happy

I insert hammer and sickle

The whole food content of the vending machine comes out, but it's equally divided between all members of the working class in your city.

I insert Donald Annoying Orange coin