Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 902722 times)

so here's how it works: You put in any item in the machine (related to Blockland or not) and don't put what comes out. Let the next poster put that in (anything once again). Example:

Put in $1.
[Next person] You get a big-screen TV.
Puts in $1.
And so goes on. ---------------------------------------------
Now lets get started. No flaming or spamming. Come on people you can do better than that! Just sitting there!

I insert $1.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 02:10:22 AM by (T)odSnake »

You recieved a 1x1 plate brick!

* Wedge inserts $1.

You win a bucket of lego's.

* Venom inserts $1.

you win a bag of poop!
  *felix inserts $80000000000000000000*

Felix edit your post..... i haven't flamed you in a while..... now..... follow the rules you insert a dollar and no being stupid.

you win a bag of poop!
  *felix inserts $80000000000000000000*

You win 80000000000000000000 bags of poop.

* Wedge puts in a dollar, and runs off and leaves the prize for the next guy.

Venom finds the million dollars.

* Venom inserts $1.

Felix edit your post..... i haven't flamed you in a while..... now..... follow the rules you insert a dollar and no being stupid.

so here's how it works: You put in any item in the machine (related to Blockland or not) and don't put what comes out

You find a canadian Penny

* Otis Da HousKat inserts that bag of poop that someone left standing out.

You win a Bob Dole pin-up
* GoronLeader puts in $1

You win a GameBoy.

*Red Penguin Inserts $1

You win a chimpanzee that does your taxes.

* RS^Capt.VenomAK inserts $1.

You win...99 cents...

* Otis Da HousKat puts in $2
* Otis Da HousKat is a big spender

I find nothing :(

*DELTA07 inserts 1$ (4 25cents all have holes with strings in that means I get my money back :))


*snot inserts £1

You get a :cookieMonster: toy.

*Red Penguin inserts $1