Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 902719 times)

You get an... iPod Nano?! (4 GB loaded with songs)

Inserts giant bucket cup car loaded with iPod Nano's

You get a crushed pile of iPod nano parts.

* Venom inserts $1.

you get an arm, you pull it out and a guy falls out, it appears he is a zombie. he eats you.

* nige111 inserts Venom's remains

You get climax's

* Grim Ant inserts a pink carrot

You get a cut up pile of pink latex.

* Wedge inserts a quarter attached to a string. 3 miles of string.

When you put out the coin you get hit in the head.

* Grim Ant inserts plutonium

Grim Ant gets radiation poisoning

* Otis Da HousKat inserts a rod of Carbon 14

I get the official deed to the white house!

*Justs finds it in machine :) (Someone must have left before they got there thing)

I get the official deed to the white house!

*Justs finds it in machine :) (Someone must have left before they got there thing)

Ahhh how cute......BUT THAT'S WRONG

You get something wrong.

* Maveric inserts 100-inch projector screen. Maveric's dad then hits him over the head for using sponsor material as currency.

Maveric is given cash return from selling his TV. Its an automatic-pawn shop. Then Otis's attempt at stabalizing the reaction was carried out to fast. The heat created created a melt down, and the plutonium melted down into radioactive slag which melted through the side of the container and buckled all of the side walks in a 400 foot radius. The steam from water instantly vaporizing scorched Maveric's body into a charred pile of ash. Then the electro-magnetic pulse knocked out electronics in a 10 mile radius.

In another galaxy, far far away...

* Wedge inserts 100 credits into a vending machine and gets...

You get my very, very loud snoring dad. He's snoring right now.

*Inserts his snoring

You become deaf

* squidhead inserts a pie

You get fat!

* Otis Da HousKat inserts a big stinky wet fart.


* Wedge inserts button.

On a side note, I have posted a little frequently here, so I'll wait a bit.