Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 876453 times)

You get Marvin from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

* Masterlegodude inserts all the fish

You get thanks

* Fattysnacks inserts a terrorist roadside bombing

You get sued

* oxcorp inserts a fake coin

You get a real 100% genuine fake coin

* Fattysnacks inserts a fake bill

The fake bill comes out of the dollar slot shredded, and the small screen on the vending machine says FAIL.

* Miga inserts a tree

you get splinters and blood poisoning

* Tokthree inserts Batmans Mask

You get Bruce Wayne

* Masterlegodude inserts Mr. Rodgers

You get a video of Mr. Rodgers sitting in his bath and then discovers the hidden camera and yellllls

*TheLegomaster inserts the hidden camera

you get some bad jackass sketches

* Tokthree inserts a  :cookie: and some  :iceCream:

You get something weird

* Masterlegodude inserts said weird thing

you get my complete winnie the pooh collection

*TheLegomaster inserts a broken pink-with-black-Barbie-camera

You get the entire Barbie collection

* Masterlegodude inserts Halo 3

You get a .

*Azerath inserts a

You get a yarly

* Shadowhero inserts a over used 4chan meme

You get a panda.

*Inserts  :cookieMonster: