Author Topic: Blockland Vending Machine! (OP missed 10 year anniversary and should feel bad)  (Read 875885 times)

You get love scandals

* GoronLeader inserts somthing.

You get nothing.

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts a smashed Xbox 360

you get Bill Gates with a baseball bat, and beats you with it

*inserts Stewie*

You get the power to turn into a house cat with HIV.

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts own head (again)

You get a vending machine head!

* GoronLeader puts Adafafafsdfsdf in the vending machine

You get pushed off a cliff and into a river full of crocodiles!

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts S. E. Hinton's Book The Outsiders

You get Elie Wiesel's Night( good book so far )

* GoronLeader inserts O.O.O.O

Nothing happens.

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts 5 Chicken Selects from McDonalds

You get Yu-Gi-O's from Kellogs

* GoronLeader inserts a cookie

You get a half digested cookiemonster :cookieMonster:

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE inserts stinky steak

you get gym socks with extra sweat

* Grim Ant inserts bill gates home loans

You get a knock on the door from the IRS!
*mcase inserts a hamburger*

lol When I went to post in here it had 1337 views.

Dammit, mcase! I'll answer Grim then you.

Grim Ant:
You get bills to pay and gates which you have no use for and bad boxs for homes gotten from a bad loan.

You get runover by a car.

* MasterCE inserts words saying "I'm tired of having to add -=>RR<=- when I left that like 4-5 months ago"

* Grim Ant inserts a tree

You get toothpicks.

* MasterCE inserts pickles dipped in liquid poop