Author Topic: Osht, here come another hurricane.  (Read 2441 times)

Hahaha Americans r failing again :D

New Orleans should move to denver, then they get snow and they can have no hurricanes!

New Orleans should move to denver, then they get snow and they can have no hurricanes!

Yes, then the USA's economy would fail so bad everyone inside would die. For example, not too long ago there was an oil spill in the Mississippi River. For everyone's safty they shut it down. Due to this shutdown, America lost 2.5 million dollars a day. Without New Orleans, they might as well shut down the Mississippi River.

No, I'm sticking to my plan.

Yes, then the USA's economy would fail so bad everyone inside would die. For example, not too long ago there was an oil spill in the Mississippi River. For everyone's safty they shut it down. Due to this shutdown, America lost 2.5 million dollars a day. Without New Orleans, they might as well shut down the Mississippi River.

The money was lost because of the barges and other vessels couldn't travel up and down the river, not because there weren't a bunch of poor people living in a bowl right by the ocean.

You really think we should rebuilt New Orleans? Why? it was a city of crime. Since Katrina, many "victims" came here to Houston. Crime rates here increased 50% since that event. In another experiment before Katrina, college students, as an experiment, got the local police department in New Orleans to fire off 500 blank rounds of ammunition in neighborhoods all across the area. Not a single call was made to report the shots. No one cared.

FEMA came into to help people in need, but like the dipstuffs they are they looked a gift horse in the mouth and complained about it being too slow to arrive.

If a man jumps in front of a speeding car and dies, do we feel sorry for him? Maybe its sad because a man lost his life, but we must remember it was his own fault. Similarly, the residents of New Orleans made a similar choice and they paid the price for it.

My T.V. is losing it's signal. =(

the government caused it because they hate black people

In another experiment before Katrina, college students, as an experiment, got the local police department in New Orleans to fire off 500 blank rounds of ammunition in neighborhoods all across the area. Not a single call was made to report the shots. No one cared.
LMFAO. That makes one hell of a statement.

Yes, then the USA's economy would fail so bad everyone inside would die. For example, not too long ago there was an oil spill in the Mississippi River. For everyone's safty they shut it down. Due to this shutdown, America lost 2.5 million dollars a day. Without New Orleans, they might as well shut down the Mississippi River.

That whole place is bound to be reclaimed by the gulf anyways. It's still below sea level and no amounts of levees or barricades will stop nature from taking back it's sediment pond sooner or later. Sucks when it happens, feel sorry for the people, but they accepted that risk when they decided to move there and not really take an interest in their own potential hazards.

Hopefully you come out allright,
And goodluck to ya.


*Ghoul is glad he lives in Phoenix, where he's only subjected to minor floods every few years