Author Topic: New Computer Vs Crysis Demo  (Read 4602 times)

Well I was thinking of upgrading my card later this year... and since ATI is generally cheaper, which should I get?
Budget prz.

Actually how much later?

Christmas, keep it under $200, I don't need anything epic. Preferably around $120-$150, and better than an 8800GT.

Really? I haven't tried one after going with Nvidia, its hard to believe :panda:

I too prefer Nvidia and will stick to using their products, but I must admit, ATI has really cornered Nvidia.

For example:

Most powerful single GPU: Nvidia GTX 280  $419

Most powerful Dual-GPU: ATI 4870x2   $549

4870x2 appears to be almost twice as powerful as GTX 280 in benchmarks.

Thats just one example though. ATI has really competitive GPUs in all price brackets. It's a good thing though. Means we can get cheaper gear. I myself may be picking up 2 9800GTX+s very soon.

Christmas, keep it under $200, I don't need anything epic. Preferably around $120-$150, and better than an 8800GT.

Of course, your strategy is to get it as close to $200 as possible without going over :cookieMonster:

forget yeah.

Seriously, for $200 you can't do better than that right now. If you wanted to go Nvidia, the 9800GTX+ would be the way to go.

That's the same base model, but probably not turboclocked like the ASUS one.

Why do the ATI cards have epic steam processors and still slightly lag behind nvidia's equivalents? I'm getting a 24" monitor for Christmas and need to upgrade my stuff just to run games at that high of a resolution :/

Why do the ATI cards have epic steam processors and still slightly lag behind nvidia's equivalents? I'm getting a 24" monitor for Christmas and need to upgrade my stuff just to run games at that high of a resolution :/

ATI Stream Processors =/= Nvidia Stream Processors.

24" doesn't tell us much.  1900x1200? 2500x? Whats the max res?

To be honest, if your getting a 24" monitor and intend to play at max res, a $200 GPU isn't going to cut if for some of the latest games. What mobo do you have? can it support SLI? What about your PSU?

I didn't try to get specific, just saying I'm forgeted once i get that monitor.
I'm either getting 22" 1680x1050 or 24" 1900x1200.
I've got a loving tiny case, so I was looking at this:
I have one PCIe port.
Don't worry about my PSU :cookieMonster:

I might simply not upgrade my monitor and put all the money into the graphics card, but then all that power is wasted. You see the problem here.

ATI Stream Processors =/= Nvidia Stream Processors.

24" doesn't tell us much.  1900x1200? 2500x? Whats the max res?

To be honest, if your getting a 24" monitor and intend to play at max res, a $200 GPU isn't going to cut if for some of the latest games. What mobo do you have? can it support SLI? What about your PSU?
Almost every 24" monitor I've seen is 1920x1200.

And ya, I have a 24". You'll definitely need a better card for playing at max resolution.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 08:06:03 PM by Otis Da HousKat »

What if I'm not a graphics whore and I'm content with not max resolution? :cookieMonster:

But seriously, that card has epic vram, and I don't intend to play something like Crysis on max at full res.

I didn't try to get specific, just saying I'm forgeted once i get that monitor.
I'm either getting 22" 1680x1050 or 24" 1900x1200.
I've got a loving tiny case, so I was looking at this:
I have one PCIe port.
Don't worry about my PSU :cookieMonster:

I might simply not upgrade my monitor and put all the money into the graphics card, but then all that power is wasted. You see the problem here.

Solution: Go for the more reasonable 22" monitor (I have one myself) and use the saved money to buy a slightly better GPU or consider something else to upgrade. The 4850 should be able to handle 1680x1050 easily.

The one I linked to? If so, then great, that works. If not, then eh.