
Do you like D&D

D&D is 4 nerds

Author Topic: Dungeons and Dragons  (Read 5832 times)

I've always wanted to play D&D. I want to know if anyone plays it and if it's worth the cash.

Dont go off topic, please.

it is expensive, confusing, and nobody else will play it with you. Isn't it like 60$ for the board and starting characters then like 40$ for everything else?

Don't listen to oromis, he's obviously never played it.

You need $0 to play D&D. You just need to find a group of people to play with. One of the players has to have the core books, an adventure, a play mat, and miniatures(optional). If no one in your group has good experiencing DMing, you may want to stick with pre-made adventures. They sell books with a variety of campaigns and I'm sure there are free ones online. If everyone is new you should switch up DM every so often so everyone gets a feel for it. All the costs for the books and other materials can be split between the players as you only need one copy of the core books.

4th Edition has been very streamlined to make it appealing to new players. The rules for character creation are very simple and are explained n the Player's Handbook.

The most difficult part of playing D&D(and every tabletop game) is finding a good group that meets consistently.

I can't think of anyone i know that plays D&D

Don't listen to oromis, he's obviously never played it.

You need $0 to play D&D. You just need to find a group of people to play with. One of the players has to have the core books, an adventure, a play mat, and miniatures(optional). If no one in your group has good experiencing DMing, you may want to stick with pre-made adventures. They sell books with a variety of campaigns and I'm sure there are free ones online. If everyone is new you should switch up DM every so often so everyone gets a feel for it. All the costs for the books and other materials can be split between the players as you only need one copy of the core books.

4th Edition has been very streamlined to make it appealing to new players. The rules for character creation are very simple and are explained n the Player's Handbook.

The most difficult part of playing D&D(and every tabletop game) is finding a good group that meets consistently.
Well explained, i play D&D and i am great at it, its good for kids who like RPG's or like to just screw off, like my friend we were playing a dungeon map (I Made it) and i started to eat the sand to get out, theres endless possibilites to D&D all you need is a great imagination and some good friends.

or like to just screw off
I like to screw off! I got the 4th Edition players hand book and I'm still making my player.

I am a level 7 wizard with a +6 staff and the book of the damned.

I wouldn't play such a game.

I would get me some dugeons and dragons, except no one would like to join in with me based on those crappy stereotypes. D:

I would get me some dugeons and dragons, except no one would like to join in with me based on those crappy stereotypes. D:

Get dungeons and dragons online then no one will know you're a nerd at school.

Get dungeons and dragons online then no one will know you're a nerd at school.
I don't care what people think I am, besides, isn't that a MMORPG?

I don't care what people think I am, besides, isn't that a MMORPG?

I wouldn't know I don't pay for MMORPG's anymore I only play free ones. I think the level cap is 10.

Shut up zombie, you're handicapped.

And the D&D MMO blows ass.

Shut up zombie, you're handicapped.

And the D&D MMO blows ass.

And what exactly did I do?