Author Topic: halo ce  (Read 994 times)

does anyone still play halo custome edition?it might be old but its still fun

I can't even get the Halo demo to run.


The other two I just play on the Xbox.

I'm thinking about getting Halo and Halo CE.

It's like 20 bucks in the bargain bin at my Gamestop.

Either that or play Combat Arms when I get a new computer.


Halo Custom Edition gets boring after a bit.


Halo Custom Edition gets boring after a bit.
How does CE work, again?


which one 1,2, or 3

1, 2 or 3? 1 And 2 i understand but 3?

There is no Halo 3 for the PC o.o

That'd be cool though, better way to take screenshots and make movies :o


Halo Custom Edition gets boring after a bit.
Bull, stuff.
I played that for years. Until I reinstalled due to a virus and lost my access key. :panda: