Author Topic: Return to Blockland  (Read 253885 times)

For RTB 2.1 I have decided to re-build the RTB forums. Currently they're based on an outdated version of phpBB2 and I will be updating to the latest one (not phpBB3, that blows) and I will also be re-doing the mod management system entirely to include a few new key features:

  • The current system uses multiple files for updates, the new one will use a single file.
  • Bug Reporting for add-ons which will be sent to the add-on owner's account
  • Multiple add-on owners
  • Better backend for different add-on types (music/sound/colorset/standard)
  • A better way to manage add-on issues by a mod reviewer raising an issue with the authors which can then be solved and dealt with outside comments (this means you can be notified by email too)
  • Reputation points can be given for add-ons from ingame as well as on the forums
  • You will be required to re-register on the RTB forums and registration requires a valid BL ID
  • Add-Ons may have to be re-submitted but hopefully I can try to move them over using some sort of hacky SQL and BL ID matching.
  • The forum-section will be downgraded to just having a few forums (General,Suggestions,Helpdesk,Modification Discussion) and there is a potential for it to be accessible in-game however we'll have to see
  • Private add-ons that are accessible to a user-defined selection of BL IDs.
  • A mods control panel where you can review some statistics (in the form of pretty graphs) showing your add-on downloads (ingame and online) and ratings over time

So as you can see, we've got some exciting stuff planned.
Good :)

Ive found a error, when i host a Dedicated server and in the cmd this happens.

Whats wronge with it? I tryed the line you enter when you host a Dedicated server first and it just says the same. My BLId is 8761 - I should work.

Help/Fix?  :cookieMonster:

Type this into it:


I got that error a few times on Wednesday. It was a single player server (I'd been on it for a while without the error) and "could not verify that you are a real Blockland user" thing kept showing.

I got it after a while (Of course, without saving.) on my online server.

Yeah I think that will occasionally happen if the RTB server is experiencing high CPU usage which has been happening recently due to another user on our shared server running some CPU-intensive applications (this has now been dealt with, by the way)  - I have removed the popup from displaying in the next RTB and down-graded it to a console error, however this shouldn't be happening repeatedly unless you actually have entered details incorrectly since the system will try to auth you up to 10 times then fail. Sessions are then established between you and the server so the process should only ever be done once unless your session expires (but you'd have to be playing blockland for a few days straight for that to happen).

Anyway, i'll be looking into whats going on there later.

@Marcem, this is an RTB error not the Auth Fail blockland error that closes your internet server. The RTB one just has a popup message.

Just to let you know, RTB disables the message for admin force and the host join server admin message. I do not know if it is inadvertent or what.

  • Private add-ons that are accessible to a user-defined selection of BL IDs.

Someone could abuse that to make it where people that have IDs 0-500 get to have it.

Yeah I think that will occasionally happen if the RTB server is experiencing high CPU usage which has been happening recently due to another user on our shared server running some CPU-intensive applications (this has now been dealt with, by the way)  - I have removed the popup from displaying in the next RTB and down-graded it to a console error, however this shouldn't be happening repeatedly unless you actually have entered details incorrectly since the system will try to auth you up to 10 times then fail. Sessions are then established between you and the server so the process should only ever be done once unless your session expires (but you'd have to be playing blockland for a few days straight for that to happen).

Anyway, i'll be looking into whats going on there later.

@Marcem, this is an RTB error not the Auth Fail blockland error that closes your internet server. The RTB one just has a popup message.
Hmm, I think it did take down my server, that's all that I saw when I got back to my computer, tehn it didn't let me start a server again a few times, I thought Badspot removed the one built in.  Whatever, something to look into.

Hmm, I think it did take down my server, that's all that I saw when I got back to my computer, tehn it didn't let me start a server again a few times, I thought Badspot removed the one built in.  Whatever, something to look into.

No, that'll be because your ip changed or your computer went into standby or something. RTB won't inhibit your ability to create or maintain a server (unless it crashes your game accidentally).

Someone could abuse that to make it where people that have IDs 0-500 get to have it.

I decided to only allow you to specify single IDs and not a range, so you'd have to type all the IDs between 0 and 500 which might get dull. Users that do take the time to enter a whole range of IDs in a discriminatory fashion will have their upload rights revoked temporarily.

Just to let you know, RTB disables the message for admin force and the host join server admin message. I do not know if it is inadvertent or what.

This is fixed in the next version.

bump because of how good it is

Ive found a error, when i host a Dedicated server and in the cmd this happens.

Whats wronge with it? I tryed the line you enter when you host a Dedicated server first and it just says the same. My BLId is 8761 - I should work.

Help/Fix?  :cookieMonster:
didnt give me that problem, it just said "blockland.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience if you were working on something, it might have been lost" that old stupid meesage

Sorry if this has been addressed already, but I don't feel like looking through all nineteen pages to see if it was.

Anywho, in one of my personal scripts I use a client-sided HTTP Object that pulls a bit of data off a website. When I execute the command that makes the object and gets the data, a message pops up in the console saying:

Add-Ons/System_ReturnToBlockland/RTBH_Support.cs (241): Unknown command onConnected.

It doesn't seem to be damaging anything, or even affecting the game in any way, for that matter, but I was just curious what it is about.

Most HTTP/TCP Objects should have an onConnected method defined and I assumed this was the case. I'll add in some checks to make sure the methods exist before calling them.

Bump cause of epicness.