Author Topic: I'm moving to Ireland...  (Read 15637 times)

You're extremely stupid.

Alright, I give up. You're all idiots. This is like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a mentally handicapped chimp. You all lose.

Telly , I respect your opinions , even though I may strongly disagree . I just suggest you give a better and more reasonable opinion(s) why you dislike Obama. Give your reasons then explain why( Ex. reason - Obama will further our national debt , then give your explanation why he will) . Starting off immature , leaves a bad impression on you.


please and my god please, explain yourself more than "i hate obama im moving to ireland."
also Ireland isnt that magical leprechaun land where everyone gets drunk all the time. Sure it has beautiful scenery, but the winters are long and rather cold, the summers are so so, and the violence can be described as bad. The only real plus i got the last time i went there (aside from the scenery) was that there was a small economic boom in the southern small towns, but then again i visited before the economy was forgeted.

I like how Telly wanted to have an intelligent conversation, but never once replied to Ronin. He only insulted people who called him stupid(he is).

Changing the tax burden is hardly socialism; guess what happens when you make the wealthy pay less taxes? Oops.

State funded health care won't ruin the health care and(corrupt) insurance industry. Universal health care won't eliminate private health car; if anything, it will increase the competitive nature(OMG CAPITALISM WAT) between the public and private markets and benefit the consumer. There's also the issue of millions of people being uninsured because insurance companies charge exorbitantly for their service, and large amounts of people get seriously ill or die because they couldn't afford to see a doctor.

I remember watching some video explaining how the income tax was unconstitutional, I honestly can't remember it's name. But if you want to bitch about parties(although they've greatly changed in the last 20 years), the 16th Amendment was passed under a Republican president.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 07:02:03 AM by Otis Da HousKat »

Wow, it took you three whole minutes to think of a witty retort! You must have problems!
I got better things to do then troll a thread 24/7.
Also wtf, stop resorting to mindless bashing and actually think once in a while, who knows, it might get you somewhere.

Alright, I give up. You're all idiots. This is like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a mentally handicapped chimp. You all lose.
Wait what? you're trying to have an intelligent conversation with us? All I got out of your posts was;

Now, I will admit I know little about politics and it's relating subjects, and I'm sure I would have cared more if I lived in the US, but I don't see why you would flee a country just because of a president.

the fact that you are moving to Ireland to get away from political issues makes me lmao irl

Have fun in the rainy place.

Ireland doesn't have beer, it has stout, and I've just had a bottle o' Guiness, was a bit old and didn't taste great, but hey.

Can I punch you and your obsessed with everything face?

"fuk u guys im going to ireland"

Obama:"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Telly..."

Better econamy=Obama
What's an econamy, and why is it Obama?

Off-topic: forget you Firefox spell check, he's the god damned president elect now, put his name in the spell checker.

Obama is going to make our econamy rise once you have Civics you will learn all about econamy...

Really? I already took Civics and the word econamy wasn't even mentioned once.